Daily Archives: September 8, 2023

Bummer: Climate Cult Report Card Shows Countries Trying But Failing Post-Paris

Yeah, remember that “historic” Paris climate cult agreement, written in a way to avoid having the legislative bodies of nations, mostly the U.S., vote on them? How the participants were super enthused and the media lauded them? Climate Report Card Says Countries Are Trying, but Urgently Need Improvement Eight years after world leaders approved a […]

If All You See…

…is the message that Other People should not eat meat by government force, you might be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Gateway Pundit, with a post on Hunter being embarrassed about his laptop contents but still won’t admit it’s his

California General Assembly Sends Anti-Inappropriate Book Ban Bill To Governor

Does this mean that the other books banned by school districts in California, like To Kill A Mockingbird, Huckleberry Finn, Of Mice And Men, The Cay and Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry will now be taught/available in the libraries? Probably not. This is all about protecting highly sexualized and white people hating books from […]

Good News: Biden Regime Cancels Drilling Leases In Alaska

It’s amazing that a guy who uses an incredibly huge amount of fossil fuels to travel to Delaware or somewhere else virtually every weekend in office wants to limit your use of fossil fuels and skyrocket your fuel costs. He doesn’t pay for the fuel for helicopters, SUVs, and jumbo jets Biden Administration Cancels Remaining […]

Splodin’: SCNY Mayor Says Illegal Immigration Will Destroy City

Back in the day when I and so many used to blog a lot about terrorism there was something called “splodin’”, which was when a jihadi unintentionally set off their bomb early, usually taking themselves and other jihadis out. My favorite was a jihadi strapping on his suicide vest in Pakistan, then tripped and fell […]

Pirate's Cove