Bummer: Climate Cult Report Card Shows Countries Trying But Failing Post-Paris

Yeah, remember that “historic” Paris climate cult agreement, written in a way to avoid having the legislative bodies of nations, mostly the U.S., vote on them? How the participants were super enthused and the media lauded them?

Climate Report Card Says Countries Are Trying, but Urgently Need Improvement

electric vehicleEight years after world leaders approved a landmark agreement in Paris to fight climate change, countries have made only limited progress in staving off the most dangerous effects of global warming, according to the first official report card on the global climate treaty.

Many of the worst-case climate change scenarios that were much feared in the early 2010s look far less likely today, the report said. The authors partly credit the 2015 Paris Agreement, under which, for the first time, almost every country agreed to submit a voluntary plan to curb in its own planet-warming emissions. Since then, the rise in global greenhouse gases has notably slowed.

Yet those efforts still aren’t enough to avoid calamity, according to the report, which was written by representatives from the United States and South Africa and based on contributions from hundreds of governments, scientists and civil society groups from around the world. (snip)

Countries are far from meeting those goals. Current climate pledges would put the world on track for a significantly more hazardous 2.5 degrees Celsius or so of warming by 2100, assuming nations followed through on their plans. In order to keep global warming at safer levels, global emissions would need to plunge roughly 60 percent by 2035, which would most likely require a much faster expansion of energy sources like wind, solar or nuclear power and a sharp decrease in pollution from fossil fuels like oil, coal and natural gas.

Well, if all the Warmists would practice what they preach, especially the Elite grand-high poobahs, we could cut the “pollution” easily. Let them give up all fossil fueled travel, move into tiny homes, give up meat, turn the AC up to 78 and the heat down to 64.

Under the Paris deal, wealthy emitters like the United States and Europe vowed to provide $100 billion per year from public and private sources by 2020 for this purpose. But they have yet to fulfill that promise. In 2020, industrialized countries provided $83.3 billion in climate finance. And only a small fraction of that money goes toward adaptation, such as building sea walls or helping farmers cope with drought, which is often the most pressing need.

Biden has no legal authority to do this without funding from the Legislative Branch, and Obama never put Paris up for a vote. We give enough of our hard earned money to other countries for little to no return. The climate cash is a shakedown.

One obstacle, the report noted, is that it is often difficult to track adaptation efforts or measure how successful they are.

“It’s a lot harder to track progress on adaptation than it is to track progress on finance or cutting emissions,” said Richard Klein of the Stockholm Environment Institute, who added that coming up with global goals for adaptation would be a key challenge for future climate talks.

It’s just a giveaway, much like to Ukraine.

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