Monthly Archives: March 2023

If All You See…

…are masks to stop the climate caused pandemics, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on Ford’s EV unit losing billions. Doubleshot below the fold, check out 357 Magnum, with a post noting that compliance does not guarantee your safety.

Climate Czar Kerry Says We Need To Work With China And Russia On Climate Crisis (scam)

Well, of course he does, since the Cult of Climastrology is based on authoritarian government, hence the lack of concern by John Kerry over China and Russia. The cult doesn’t care about human rights abuses or anything Kerry: U.S. must work with China and Russia on fighting climate change Despite mounting tensions between the United […]

Warmist Vs Enviros: Geothermal Project Wants To Delist Endangered Toads

Who wins? The Warmists tell us the climate crisis (scam) is all about the environment, yet, windturbines kill off huge numbers of birds and insects. They leave massive concrete blocks after their 30 year lifespan. Mining for precious metals is as bad, if not worse, than mining for coal. Warmists want solar projects and extreme-enviros […]

Federal Court Blocks Brandon’s Vaccine Mandate

Only what, a year and a half too late? Court blocks COVID-19 vaccine mandate for US gov’t workers President Joe Biden’s order that federal employees get vaccinated against COVID-19 has been blocked by a federal appeals court. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, in a decision Thursday, rejected arguments that Biden, as the […]

Colorado Town Bans 7the Fossil Fuels Station

That’ll show those Evil fossil fuels companies! Blue Colorado ‘burb bans new gas stations to fight climate change A Democratic-led suburb in Colorado is doing its “obligation” to fight climate change — approving a proposed ban on all new gas stations. The city council in Louisville — 20 miles outside Denver — voted Tuesday to set the […]

If All You See…

…is a tree dying from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on the St. Greta Effect.

Groomer Groups Sue To Stop Florida’s Ban On Child Mutilation Medical Procedures

Why do groomers get so upset when you call them groomers when they’re caught doing groomer things? Why, exactly, are Democratic Party voting and supporting groups so intent on making sure children are able to be given drugs and surgeries to satisfy a fad belief that they’re the opposite sex? In many cases, it’s pre-teen […]

It’s Now Immoral To Oppose Windfarms Near Your Or Something

Remember, this is all about Science! Climate change: Opposing windfarms morally unacceptable – expert Communities opposed to wind turbines in their local area do not have an “acceptable moral position”, according to a climate change expert. Dozens of large-scale windfarm applications are being considered as Wales tries to reach net zero. Campaigners say the ambition […]

50% Of Americans Think Ukraine War Has Harmed National Security

Really, do many really care about Ukraine? Or the “war” going on? Does it affect them? Or, are they more worried with the continuing inflation that we were told was transitory? Are they tired of Los Federales pissing away money and arms in an attempt to start WWIII? Whatever happened to the anti-war left, and […]

Vox: We Can’t Really Blame The Los Angeles Tornado On ‘Climate Change’, But, Hey, We Can Strongly Hint It

Well, you had to know that the climate cultists would be out and about linking climate doom with the tornado, right? It’s what they do. And then they jump in their fossil fueled vehicles to get some food delivered to the store by fossil fueled trucks Yes, there was just a tornado near Los Angeles. […]

Pirate's Cove