Monthly Archives: November 2022

Happy Thanksgiving! (sticky for day)

A Happy Thanksgiving to all. I hope you enjoy your day with your family and friends, and I thank you all for popping by this little blog.

It’s Thanksgiving, Which Means Liberals Are Losing Their Minds, Wanting To End The Holiday

For people who say they always look at the bright side of things, they sure are miserable and always try and look at the worst possible thing, then make it worse The true story behind Thanksgiving is a bloody one, and some people say it’s time to cancel the holiday Thanksgiving in the US is […]

Bummer: Local Temps Could Rise For Years After Solar Engineering

This definitely is not any sort of scam, totally science Solar geoengineering might work, but local temperatures could keep rising for years Imagine a future where, despite efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions quickly, parts of the world have become unbearably hot. Some governments might decide to “geoengineer” the planet by spraying substances into the […]

If All You See…

…is a field perfect for solar panels, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on Disney planning to go more Woke.

World Leaders Pushing For Chinese Coronavirus Passports

COVID is mostly over. It’s been shown, scientifically and medically, that the COVID vaccines mostly do not prevent people from getting COVID. At best, they simply keep any contagion from getting really bad. At worse, well Allergic Reactions Including Anaphylaxis Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (blood clots) Guillain-Barré Syndrome Myocarditis and pericarditis The CDC says these […]

NY Times And Climate Nuts Upset That UK Government Will Hold The Crazies Accountable

In a modern, polite society we have rules. People are responsible for following those rules. Sure, some rules are dumb, some make no sense, some are idiotic, some are really unenforceable. Others, like, say, not defacing other people’s property and not blocking the streets, causing emergency vehicles like ambulances and firetrucks to not be able […]

Wait, What: Senator Marshall Introduces Resolution To Block Illegals With Taxpayer Benefits From Getting Citizenship

So, all the other illegals can get citizenship? EXCLUSIVE: Sen. @RogerMarshallMD has introduced a resolution that would block citizenship for illegal immigrants dependent on taxpayer-funded benefits #RealNewsStartsHere — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 22, 2022 From the link Republican Kansas Sen. Roger Marshall recently introduced a resolution that would block citizenship for illegal immigrants dependent […]

Washington Post ClimaHappily Tells You The Carbon Footprint Of Your Thanksgiving

Climate cultists just can’t help themselves WaPo Accused of Trying to ‘Destroy Thanksgiving Dinner’ After Listing Holiday Foods Alongside Their ‘Climate Impact’ A recent Washington Post essay faced backlash online after listing common Thanksgiving foods and their “climate impact” in order to inform readers which of the festivity’s staples can be consumed “with a clear conscience.” The […]

If All You See…

…is what looks like a smokey sunset from carbon pollution wildfires, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on Republicans hinting at running for 2024.

Democrats Whine About McCarthy Planning To Boot Several Wackos From Committees

What is it that Democrats keep saying? Oh, right, “elections have consequences” McCarthy’s planned expulsions of Intel Democrats prompts howls A GOP promise to expel two Democrats from the House Intelligence Committee would dramatically escalate partisan warfare over panel assignments, potentially ending the intelligence career of Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.) while increasing fears that the […]

Pirate's Cove