Monthly Archives: August 2015

Say, Could The California Drought Be The New Normal?

Members of the Cult of Climastology love trotting out phrases such as “the new normal”. They’ve used it for many issues, such as after the big hurricane season of 2005, where they predicted it would be the new normal, and then landfalling hurricane activity fell to the floor. They claimed that the drought in Australia […]

Latest Pro-Iran Deal Argument: It Makes It Easier To Bomb Iran!

Has it come to this? The ultimate argument in favor of the Iran deal The agreement would make it easier to bomb Iran, administration officials have told lawmakers. Want to bomb Iran? Then support the nuclear deal. That’s the provocative argument coming from Obama administration officials and other backers of the deal as they promote […]

“Fiesty” Obama Calls GOP “Crazies”, Attacks Koch Brothers

Is it any wonder I call Obama “not my president”? Has there ever been a US president who has attacked his political opponents in such a personal and degrading manner? Has Obama ever considered that people find no reason to work with him when he attacks them in such a manner? Of course, it is […]

Surprise: EPA Chief Admits Obama Power Plan Will Harm Low-Income Folks

They will be hardest hit (MRC) While discussing the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan, administrator Gina McCarthy admitted who would be hit the “hardest” by the federal climate regulations. “We know that low-income minority communities would be hardest hit,” McCarthy said. She prefaced her statement by saying that the cost increases to Americans as a […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible polluting burger, causing temps to spike, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Da Tech Guy, with a post on the contrast between the Iran deal and the Paris train takedown.

Bernie Sanders Seems Upset That Other People Use Fossil Fuels

How much in the way of fossil fuels does it take to run a presidential campaign, what with criss-crossing the country on planes and buses, heading to events in vehicles? At a time when our planet is warming due to climate change, the last thing our environment needs is more drilling — Bernie Sanders […]

Former State Dept Officials Call Hillary’s Email Defense “Total BS”

Is it in the realm of possibility that the Secretary Of State, a Cabinet level official, never once sent or received classified information in email? Did she require people to hand deliver and/or fax that information? Did she only send and receive info on TV shows and what’s for dinner? No, probably not, and surely […]

Liberals Are Suddenly Against A President Trump Using Same Methods Obama Uses

Mr. Obama has been running roughshod over the Constitution and restrictions on the Chief Executive for the majority of his term. He’s show a lack of care for doing things the proper way, instead relying on executive actions and order, complaining that Congress won’t pass legislation that he never crafts and sends over, and just […]

Bummer: We Only Have 100 Days To Save The World

Extreme hyperbole? Check. Here’s hyper-alarmist John D. Sutter at CNN, which used to be interested in actual news, not fiction 100 days to save the world … The 1997 Kyoto Protocol, for instance, was signed but never ratified by the United States, and even global sweetheart Canada pulled out and failed to meet its pollution targets. More recently, […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible burger from an evil polluting cow, you might just be a Warmist The blog of a the day is The Daley Gator, with a huge post on the Planned Parenthood protests. With summer winding down, it’s burger week!

Pirate's Cove