Monthly Archives: August 2015

If All You See…

…is an evil burger coming from an evil carbon pollution cow, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Fire Andrea Mitchell, with a post on a “Hillary For Prison” sign.

Almost 200 Retired Generals And Admirals Call On Congress To Reject Iran Deal

Unfortunately, it won’t stop the deal, because most Democrats are voting in lockstep with Obama, rather than the best interests of the United States, oh, and Senator Tom Cotton made it so that the deal doesn’t need Congressional approval. (Washington Post) A group of nearly 200 retired generals and admirals sent a letter to Congress […]

Obama: Highly Visible Shooting “Breaks My Heart”

It doesn’t break his heart enough to actually submit legislation to Congress, nor do more than demand Congress Do Something, and the incident will be quickly forgotten by Obama as he pushes climate change regulations and stuff (The Hill) President Obama said Wednesday the shooting death of two TV journalists “breaks my heart,” adding that U.S. gun […]

Climate Change Is Totally Ruining Hollywood’s Winter Shoots!

Yesterday, I ran an If All You See… post with a sexy lady eating a burger in a movie theater. But, I couldn’t find any “climate change” hysteria related to movie making or movie theaters. Granted, I didn’t spend that long looking. But, hey, what’s this? (via Climate Depot) How Extreme Weather Is Melting Hollywood’s […]

If All You See…

…is a sea that will rise up hundreds of feet by 2100 because Someone Else ate meat, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on scary freedom.

Warmists Totally Ready To Link Noctilucent Clouds Increase To “Climate Change”

Of course they are. It’s what they do (Weather Channel) Noctilucent clouds are a mysterious marvel of the night sky. The beautiful blue ice clouds are a rare sight to behold, but are they pointing to something sinister in the atmosphere? According to NASA, the blue clouds were first spotted in 1885 after the eruption of […]

Trump Spars With Rude Univision Reporter, Kicks Him Out, Lets Him Back In

Did you catch this? (CNN) Jorge Ramos, the Univision anchor and journalist, extensively squabbled with Donald Trump twice in testy exchanges at a news conference before his rally here in Dubuque, with a security officer at one point ejecting Ramos from the event. “Go back to Univision,” Trump told Ramos early in their first back-and-forth. […]

Left-leaning The Week Tries To Tell Us Why We Oppose The Iran Deal

This is Stage 5 of The 8 Stages Of Liberal/Progressive Discussion When They Are Busted: “Concoct strange defenses based on wild psychological discourse, which no one understands, including the writer, but it sounds good, and allows a liberal/progressive to say there is no problem.” In this case, The Week writer Damon Linker attempts to project […]

Surprise: Carbon Trading Scheme Increased Emissions

There was cheating involved. Can you imagine that? (Politico) A flawed scheme that allowed companies to earn tradable carbon credits for projects supposed to abate industrial gases actually created a “perverse” incentive to generate more waste, leading to an increase in global emissions instead of cuts, according to a new study. The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) found that […]

If All You See…

…is a place that would be perfect for showing Al Gore’s climate change movie, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Camp Of The Saints, with a post on Hillary being a “victim”.

Pirate's Cove