Monthly Archives: May 2014

Climate Change Is Like “A Costly, Politically Dangerous Gamble” Or Something

This is being pushed by the same people who have been downplaying actual threats, like that from radical Islam (Mint Press News) Half of the United States is suffering through drought conditions — including all of California, which saw huge swathes of the San Diego area swept by raging wildfires this month. In the Midwest, […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible dog causing sea rise and flooding, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Fire Andrea Mitchell, with a post on how Progressives celebrated Memorial Day.

Warmists Have The Climate Blues Or Something

Warmists, who are mostly Progressives and leftists, are pretty much miserable people who always seem to find the worst in everything. They are people who would think a day at the beach is bad because the sand is hot and the sea might rise in 100 years to swamp all the land. They’d look at […]

Surprise: Obamacare Causing Lots Of Union Contract Issues

Healthcare costs are often a sticky point when it comes to union contracts. I can specifically recall several contract negotiations for a company with over 180k employees in recent years, over moving employees from standard plans to Health Care Savings accounts. Now this same thing is playing out, and the higher costs are thanks solely […]

What’s The Real Reason For The VA Scandal?

As the VA scandal rolls along, with much of the major media wanting to ignore it or bury the coverage deep in the website/newspaper, many are trying to use distraction-blame. Obviously, Democrats are trying to Blame Bush. He certainly does bare some blame. But, as the liberal talking point regarding 9/11 went, “who’s president now?”, […]

EPA Now Looking At Cooking Stoves

I’m not sure how this would work, since the EPA has no dominion over all the people in other nations (Washington Times) The war on climate change may soon be moving inside the kitchen. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy is set to unveil on Tuesday six federal grants to universities to fund research on […]

If All You See…

…is the evil colors of a horrendous carbon polluting nation, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Jawa Report, with a post on must see Memorial Day movies.

Obviously, The Solution To “Climate Change” Is Government

But, don’t say this is political issue or something. Here’s, humorously, DJ Jimmy Buff The Green Life: Government must lead way on climate change (Opening blather about Doom!) The fixing requires something we’re lacking right now: Political will. Public acceptance of climate change is high, but nothing changes without governments leading the way because nothing […]

Obviously, California Mass Murder Means Typical Calls For “Gun Control”

Never let a good crisis go to waste (Politico) Sen. Richard Blumenthal said Sunday he would urge Senate leaders to reconsider tougher gun control and mental health measures in the wake of this weekend’s deadly shootings near the University of California, Santa Barbara. Appearing on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” the Connecticut Democrat said the recent […]

Bipartisan Lawmakers Call For Criminal Investigation Into VA Scandal

Will Eric Holder use his highly politicized Justice Department to investigate? (LA Times) The Justice Department should enter the investigation of whether Veterans Affairs employees have falsified records to cover up long waits at VA medical facilities, Democratic and Republican lawmakers said Sunday. “Only the Department of Justice and the FBI have the resources, the […]

Pirate's Cove