Darwin must be rolling in his grave, seeing so called Evolutionists/environmentalists doing this
Florida marine conservationists have come up with a simple recipe for fighting the invading lionfish that is gobbling up local reef life — eat them.
The Key Largo-based REEF conservation organization has just released “The Lionfish Cookbook,” a collection of 45 recipes which is the group’s latest strategy to counter an invasion of the non-native reddish brown-striped fish in Florida waters.
“It’s absolutely good eating — a delicacy. It’s delicately flavored white meat, very buttery,” Lad Akins, director of special projects for Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF), told Reuters. He authored the cookbook along with a professional chef, Tricia Ferguson.
See, the Lionfish is spreading throughout Caribbean and warm Atlantic waters, eating everything they find. You know, that whole “survival of the fittest” notion. Sure, they “think” that they were released when a fish tank broke during Hurricane Andrew in 1992, so, obviously, that’s bad, so, mankind must now interfere with the lionfish just doing what lionfish do, rather than letting nature take its course.
Not that I disagree. I am an environmentalist, just not a crazy one, and the lionfish spread is a danger to the local populations. I’m just amused that the same wacko-enviro Darwin believers want to essentially cull the population. They’re also quite tasty!

But, wait, that’s natural and an evolutionary process…. ooohhh aaaahhh aarrghh.. ouch.. umph.. oof… but.. but.. it is impacting protected areas and species so man must do something. Again!.. ooohhh.. aaahhaarrgghh.. OUCH…
my head is going to explode….
But, man is just an animal right? So, man has the right to intervene in the survival of any species, right??……..
Lionfish? As a mane dish?
It’s a conundrum, CF.
I really should have seen that one coming, Proof. Punny :D
[…] Novel, And Delicious, Idea To Lionfish Invasion Darwin must be rolling in his grave, seeing so called Evolutionists/environmentalists doing this […]
Ain’t them critters poisonous?
And what about the Jaguar Shark?