Just more evidence that Charles Johnson is neither a conservative nor interested in any truth, but is basically a smear merchant (witness more Nirther, Glenn Beck hatred, and BNP posts, BNP meant to smear Robert Spencer and Pam Geller, among others.) Here’s what Kid Icarus goes with
The Video Anthony Watts Doesn’t Want You to See
Climate change “skeptic†Anthony Watts tried to use YouTube’s copyright rules to suppress this video by Peter Sinclair.
Good luck with that.
EC then posts said video, and follows at the bottom with Anthony Watts’ reply. Yet, Chucky doesn’t bother to supply any, oh, what’s that word…..facts to support the video, does he bother to mention something really, really important in his quest for the truth? Um, no
I’ve gotten dozens of such requests from magazines, newsletters, book publishers, and TV stations. So far, I’ve never said no to any request for such materials or copyright waivers. I’ve filled out lots of forms granting my copyright waiver for the legally skittish that need more than an email or “sure, go ahead†over the phone.
But, in the video Mr. Sinclair produced and posted on YouTube, I noticed that he did in fact use photographs and graphics from my published book “Is The U.S. Surface Temperature Record Reliable?â€. I hold the copyright on this book. The notice for copyright is in the inside front cover. © 2009 Surfacestations.org All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this report or portions thereof in any form. ISBN 13: 978-1-934791-29-5 and ISBN 10: 1-934791-26-6.
Ah. So, said video has multiple violations of the copyright act. That would be rather important. Not to mention the ad hominem attacks throughout the video, which really doesn’t bother to provide substantive and cogent facts to rebut Mr. Watts. Nor does Chucky.
BTW, Little Green Footballs doesn’t actually get any of the links, thanks to a special redirect script Basil uses.

Well half way through the calendar year and it looks like its going to be another one of the top ten hottest? Not as hot as 2005 which was the hottest but still no sign of the global cooling. Which is a bit surprising since the sun is and has been in a not active cool stage for quite a while even when the temps keep going UP http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/research/2009/jun/jun09.html
Teach if man is not having at least some impact on this temp rise, what is causing it ?
Yet, from the same source
How can that be? If the US is one of the worst CO2 countries, how were we pretty much right at average? Strange, eh?
How is it that the NY Times is calling it “it’s the summer that isn’t (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/01/nyregion/01hot.html?_r=2&hp)?
Korea is having an atypical cool summer: http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2009/07/31/2009073100541.html
Cold weather to cause decrease in Canadian wheat output: http://www.google.com/hostednews/canadianpress/article/ALeqM5j08iiqzM8un9ZAS4FRMVSZm0wpaA
Parts of Michigan saw coldest July ever: http://theblogprof.blogspot.com/2009/08/i-blame-global-warming-parts-of.html
The normal average for Raleigh is 79 for July. This year, it is 77.1 http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXDailyHistory.asp?ID=KNCRALEI10&graphspan=month&month=7&day=31&year=2009
The historical average for Raleigh through the first 7 months is 59. This year, 60.3. However, last year it was 61.2.
The problem, John, is people can make data say what they want, and you seem to forget that I do not dispute global warming, I dispute anthropogenic global warming.
There are several potential causes. One of them is improperly located stations. Another is the affect of cities, roadways, etc, known as the urban island effect. You have active undersea vulcanism, particularly along the very long mid-Atlantic Ridge.
The question is, if Man is so horrible, why are we not seeing a huge rise around the entire world? Why is it only in certain areas, and not in the upper atmosphere? Why are some places getting much cooler? Why are the seas continuing with their normal trend of rise? Why are other planets showing a temperature rise, too?
BTW, care to comment on the substance of the post, John?