Monthly Archives: June 2005

Rumsfeld says no

In regards to Congressional smearings on the Gauntanamo detention center, Donald Rumsfeld used a word that the Democrats should understand: No. It is the Dems favorite word. A new independent investigation of abuse allegations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, "doesn’t make sense," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Sunday. "I think that to go back into […]

Moonbat Alert!

Ted Rall must feel bad, the pajamasphere, even the left of the left side, has been ignoring him for quite some time. I think Club G’itmo and similar stuff has struck a nerve with this moonbat, who also proves he hates the military. Poor moonbat.

Sorta Blogless Sunday-Interlude on G’itmo

You would think that this would be important news, wouldn’t you? During a tour of the U.S. prison for suspected terrorists on Saturday, House Republicans and Democrats, including one who has advocated closing the facility, said the United States has made progress in improving conditions and protecting detainees’ rights. (how the hell do they know, […]

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Huffington Post loves Cheney

There was a pretty good contraversy going on regarding the Huffington Posts story on Cheney maybe going to a hospital in Denver, and the moonbats going loon in the comments, some going as far as to wish death on the VP. (h/t to Chris Short posting at The Jawa Report. sorry, TB down) They are […]

I’ll Say The “T” Word

There is a word that folks keep hinting at, in regards to the extreme left. Folks have written it in their blogs, and I have seen it on forums, but it is more of a passing thought, rather then a forceful one. The MSM’s won’t touch it. But, I will. TREASON Yes, that’s right, Treason. […]

Where’s The Outrage?

Several good one’s today, starting with this story: Intelligence agents have arrested four Islamic militants and foiled a bid by them to carry out a suicide attack on a mosque in eastern Pakistan, a security official said on Saturday. and then this one: Three mosques of the minority Ahmadiya community were bombed by unidentified persons […]

Kerry’s on the Rove issue: move on, nothing to see

Apparently, former rented presumptive Democratic Presidential candidate John F’ing Kerry found the Senate floor the other day. Was it to talk about the Downing Street Memo’s like he said? Nope. How about condemning Durbin? Nope. It was to whine about Karl Rove. But hey, guess what? “Karl Rove doesn’t owe me an apology, he doesn’t […]

Bomb that Mosque!

Islamics are at it again: Dozens of small homemade bombs exploded on Friday near a mosque in central Bangladesh belonging to the Ahmadiya Muslim minority, police said. But not by non-Islamics: Earlier this month, New York based Human Rights Watch released a report accusing the Khatme Nabuwat umbrella group of Sunni Muslim extremists and its […]

What Pisses Me Off?

This is certainly one of the things. I hate these things: Especially the ones that go off right after you’ve sat down, and spray your ass. Dont’cha just hate that? What pisses you off? Created by ptocheia Found via Beth, who rocks!

Pirate's Cove