There is a word that folks keep hinting at, in regards to the extreme left. Folks have written it in their blogs, and I have seen it on forums, but it is more of a passing thought, rather then a forceful one. The MSM’s won’t touch it. But, I will.
Yes, that’s right, Treason. Beth at MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy wrote a very impassioned post regarding the lunacy of the Left. Their constant condemnation of everything the USA does. And she is dead on. This leads into the actions and words of the Left. Those whose impassioned and unfactual cries lead into taking the side of the enemy, and giving them aid and comfort. That, my friends, is Treason.
But what of Free Speech, the Left will say? Well, they have the Right to critisize the Gov’t, but, per the same Constitution, as well as much earlier in it, it states in Article III, Section 3:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
Giving the enemy aid and comfort comes in the form of all the propaganda that the enemy has been given by the comments of people such as Durbin, Kerry, Kennedy, Dean, etc, whose words have emboldened the enemy to continue to fight against us. These same enemies have used the Lefts words against us.
Even more damning is the part about "adhering to their Enemies."
Adhere (v)
- To stick fast by or as if by suction or glue.
- To remain devoted to or be in support of something: adhered to her beliefs.
- To carry out a plan, scheme, or operation without deviation: We will adhere to our plan.
Synonyms would be conform and follow. And this is what is the most damning for the Left. They are conforming to what the enemy wants: the destruction and death of America. And the Left, through their actions and words, are helping them. Rather then supporting the USA, the Left is supporting the enemy in their fight against the USA and democracy. Our fore fathers would slap their face, then execute them as traitors.
It is time for the Left to put up or shut up. They have no plans, no thoughts, no agenda other then bashing the USA and rejecting everything that it stands for. They have shown that they hate the military. They have shown that they hate Freedom. I say, stand with us and shut your yaps, so that we can win the War on Terrorism, or be tried for what you are: Traitors. There is no other choice.

God, quit whining! Such calls of treason are a sign of desparation, and the thing is, the desparation is an outgrowth of shitty policies by the very people you voted for. Blame them, or yourself, for all the screwups. Take responsiblity. You apparently wanted it bad enough to steal an election or two to have the reins.
It should be obvious to you by now that the Bush Administration is addicted to making bad decisions. The solution has more to do with changing administrations than imprisoning fellow citizens. You ascribe far too much power to the average joe who, according to polls, is very disappointed with the way things are going in Iraq.
Your solution might make you feel better, but it will do nothing to solve the real problem.
It is entirely possible that some day, 100% of the American people will think that Iraq was a bad decision. Does that mean that the ones who thought it was a bad idea from the start were simple a more prescient? Should they not be paraded, and elected for their foresight?
Instead, you want to imprison people for thinking it is a bad call, basically. Right? When 99% of the American people think that Iraq is a bad idea, maybe they will decide to imprison the 1% who thinks it IS a good idea. Ever consider that?
When you start talking about treason, flag burning, gays, abortion, and such…you drop the ball. You have lost focus on the real problem. If you want to solve the real problem…figure out what the real problems are, and them set your mind to that.
What a ridiculous post.
My friend, you cannot go down that road. Free speech is not something to be taken lightly, or thrown away lightly.
The moment you start talking about labelling someone with treason for doing nothing other than demanding accoutability from their own government, and demanding that that government follow international law, you might as well go ahead and burn that very constitution you quote and piss on the flag while you’re at it.
Nothing justifies illegally invading a country who in all reality was NO threat to the United States. Nothing justifies attacking civil liberties and justifying it with the empty claims that it will make the citizens safer. Nothing justifies waging an unending war with an enemy you can’t even identify. Calling everyone who disagrees with US policy a “terrorist” and claiming that they are attacking you because they hate freedom is not only misleading, it’s ignorant.
Others do not hate the US for the freedom which USED to be so attainable there. Others hate the US because of the very foreign policy that has lead the world into this mess in the first place. That of tromping around the world to conquer and exploit with little regard to the consequences.
Terror, my friend, is the consequence. If the United States wants some real allies whom they don’t have to threaten or coerce in order to get them to play along, perhaps they should try being a good neighbor. Perhaps they should start with respect for other nations, whether or not they agree on policy. Perhaps the United States should be less hypocritical and more accountable to the international community.
Naahhhh… that makes way too much sense.
Much easier to keep pissing everyone off. Hell, when you have so many nukes to scare the shit out of everyone else, what difference does THEIR opinion make?
Have a nice day.
I stand by my words.