Daily Archives: June 21, 2005

That’s H.O.T!

Very interesting article over at Human Events (thanks for the tip, Granny!) It’s about taxes. Yes, taxes. They can be exciting, ya know. Yup. Trust me. (Read Showdown at Gucci Gulf some day). President Bush’s bipartisan Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform should propose a measure to assist a neglected segment of society: the avowedly […]

Giving Bolton a 3rd shot

I was going to put up a snarky picture of related to Voinovich crying on the Floor. Again. But, more important stuff. …after meeting with Bush, Frist came out to the cameras stationed at the White House and said he would schedule a third vote to end debate and vote for confirmation. "The president made […]


Some good Carnivals going on today. Have already mentioned the Bonfire. We also have: Carnival of the Clueless over at RightWing NutHouse The Best of Me Symphony over at The Owner’s Manual The Cotillion Ladies are getting their schwerve on. In no particular order, visit Sadie, Tammy, and Crystal.

Kos Still Doesn’t Get It

From Kosbat: It’s worth noting that both Cole and Trevino are veterans (funny how it’s the veterans on the Right who are most outraged at the torture allegations). And while we disagree vehemetly on the war. They support it, I oppose it. There is consensus between us that torture is not what America stands for. […]

John? It’s is a very simple thing

Go here to an old post to read what it is all about. I’ll wait. See that, folks? It wasn’t just about signing, but about releasing all his records. He did sign them. But he hasn’t released all his records to the public. Slight update at the top. Powerline has visual copies of the 180’s […]

Bonfire of the Vanities

Goodness. That Itsapundit guy has gone completely bonkers. All his multiple personalities have written different Bonfires! Want to read them? Go to Itsapundit and start at the top, or hit each individual here:

Pirate's Cove