Daily Archives: May 5, 2015

UK Guardian Explodes Hotcoldwetdry Myths

And create a few of their own Climate change: the big myths that need to be exploded THE EARTH IS WARMER NOW THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN In the distant past, temperatures were far warmer than even the most extreme warming scenarios predicted by the end of the century. Fifty million years ago, during the […]

If All You See…

…are sunglasses needed to stop the reflection off the seas that are rising because Other People refused to give up fossil fueled travel, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Datechguy’s Blog, with a post on defying the Islamists.

Having Nothing Better To Do, Rutgers Snowflakes Call For Diversity With Mascot

Special Snowflake Syndrome meets Social Justice Warriors meets someone needs a part time job (NJ.com) A bill passed by the the Rutgers University Student Assembly calls for more gender and ethnic diversity in the mascot costume, according to a report by The Daily Targum, the school’s student newspaper. Emmet Brennan, student assembly parliamentarian, came up […]

Victim Shaming: Media, Particularly CNN, Decides To Blame Pam Geller

Does this mean we can now blame rape/sexual assault victims? Of course not. Geller is a conservative, and is being mean to hardcore Islamic extremists, and in Liberal World, Liberals have decided that attacking the extremists is the same as attacking all Muslims, and “Islamophobia”. Let’s not forget that ISIS/ISIL is taking responsibility for the […]

Age Of Obama: Race Relations As Bad As Two Decades Ago

You don’t say. Noah Rothman had this from just last December “Both blacks and whites carry enormous expectations for Mr. Obama,” The Wall Street Journal reported in the wake of the president’s election. “A post-election Gallup poll found that 70% of voters think race relations will improve with his election, compared with 56% who thought so five months ago.” “Many […]

Pirate's Cove