Daily Archives: April 18, 2013

What Say To Spending $50 Million To Help Illegals Obtain Amnesty?

Something interesting in the newest shamnesty bill (Daily Caller) The Senate’s Gang of Eight immigration bill offers $50 million in taxpayer-funded assistance to help illegal immigrants file for the multi-stage amnesty offered by the controversial bill. The proposed spending is intended to help illegals get “registered provisional immigration status,” which is the first stage of […]

Sad: Slight Majority Of Americans Say Redistribute Wealth

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” Benjamin Franklin Many wise men have said something similar. Alas, no one is listening (Politico) Nearly 6 in 10 Americans say wealth is distributed unfairly in the United States, and a majority want the federal government to […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful place to put up a wind farm (far from their own homes), you might be a Warmist The blog of the day is Jammie Wearing Fools, with a post on a liberal tool blaming the NRA for Boston.

Hmm: Hotcoldwetdry Apparently Raising Wave Heights

Doooooooooom! (Climate change increasing wave height) Surfers would like this. But, you know, doom! Scientists are beginning to predict how climate change will influence the height of waves. The impact on wave height has been a neglected area of research until now. CSIRO research scientist Mark Hemer says buoys and satellites scientists around the world […]

Ex-NASA Scientists Speak Out On “Climate Change” Being Mule Fritters

Obviously, they will be branded heretics, personally denigrated, and said to be in the pay of Big Oil and Big Coal (Nature World News) The government is overreacting to a largely unreal threat of global warming and NASA isn’t helping, states a report issued by The Right Climate Stuff (TCRS) research team. Comprised largely of […]

Gun Control: President Stompy Foots Biggest Loss

Welcome to democracy, pal! (yes, yes, I know we have a Republic, but it’s part of the Democratic model where people take votes) Gun control: President Obama’s biggest loss Never before had President Barack Obama put the moral force and political muscle of his presidency behind an issue quite this big — and lost quite […]

Pirate's Cove