Category Archives: Musings

If Liberals Are Going To Call Us Terrorists….

…are we finally free to call Liberals the traitors they are? Yeah, the NY Times ratchets up the discourse for the “New Tone”. This, after Biden was accused of saying “They have acted like terrorists.” He denied that, just that he “let other Democrat lawmakers vent.” So, venting includes elected Federal officials referring to a […]

They Aren’t Just Lighbulbs

A major league hussy fit at US News And World report The absurdity of the policy fight itself is irritating. It’s just a light bulb, for heaven’s sake. It’s not even standards for automobile mileage and efficiency. The better light bulbs are supposed to end up saving consumers pots of money in the long run, […]

Say, You Remember That SWAT Raid Over Financial Aid Story From Wednesday?

Well, there might be a wee bit more to it than originally came out. Refresher A federal education official Wednesday morning offered little information as to why federal agents raided a Stockton man’s home Tuesday. The resident, Kenneth Wright, does not have a criminal record and he had no reason to believe why what he […]

Say, Why Aren’t The Japanese Looting?

That’s the first question asked around the Internet, including at the UK Telegraph The landscape of parts of Japan looks like the aftermath of World War Two; no industrialised country since then has suffered such a death toll. The one tiny, tiny consolation is the extent to which it shows how humanity can rally round […]

Sigh: UNC Goes Green For Graduation Gowns

There’s a reason I’m bringing this story up Fashion designer Alexander Julian has clearly had enough of the University of North Carolina’s aqua graduation gowns, he’s gone and given his alma mater’s regalia a “true Carolina Blue” makeover and used recycled materials in the process, too, according to UNC, via Ecouterre. Pointing out that regalia […]

Will Defense Department Cuts Doom Our Air Superiority?

Today’s must read comes from Bruce McQuain at The Washington Examiner (make sure to also check out Bruce’s posts at Q&O, a blog I have long read) “There has not been a single soldier or Marine who lost his life in combat due to a threat from the air in over 56 years.” Let that […]

Things To Know When You Move To The Carolinas

So, I was having a conversation with a customer while waiting to sign their papers, and they had just moved to Raleigh. We talked about hints for those who are new to the Carolinas: here are a few Once a town hits a certain size, everything is in a circle. Stop thinking straight lines, because […]

Who’s Really To Blame For The Arizona Shootings? Obama And The Dems

Let’s go back in the time machine, shall we, all the way to February 2009 The Obama administration will seek to reinstate the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 during the Bush administration, Attorney General Eric Holder said today. “As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that […]

Enough With The Political Blame Game When Things Like The Giffords Shooting Happen!

Looking all over the Internet, from blog sites to the major news media, they are all aflutter with speculation about whether the shooting of Giffords, which also resulted in the death of a 9 year old, a federal judge, and four others, was politically motivated. He’s being called a political terrorist, we hear that “words […]

If I Were A Conspiracy Theorist Type Person, I Might Wonder About This TSA Issue

Just random musings, but, one has to wonder if this whole kerfuffle was what Team Obama and the Donkeys intended. Consider what has virtually disappeared from the news and blogs, or been relegated to minor stories: getting blown out in the mid-term elections – losing the House, a ton of governorships, and a lot of […]

Pirate's Cove