Daily Archives: October 19, 2021

Is It A Bones Or No Bones Day?

Someone using TikTok for good i just found a tiktok account dedicated to waking up a pug named noodle and if he flops over it’s a “no bones” day and if he stays upright it’s a “bones” day AND PEOPLE CHECK THE BONES FORECAST LIKE IT’S A HOROSCOPE I AM CRYING pic.twitter.com/iX8HQoIO0m — patty ?????? […]

Your Fault: French Honey Harvest Expected To Be Worst In Decades From Climate Crisis (scam)

You refuse to get rid of your fossil fueled vehicle and get an EV. Or take the bus. Or rail. Or an eco-bike. You eat Evil red meat. Take long showers. Have an ice maker. And don’t get out there and march with Fridays For Future. For shame! French beekeepers expect worst harvest in decades […]

If All You See…

…is a huge use of electricity to freeze the ice, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on climate activists not caring what you want or what you need, just imposing their will.

Chinese Coronavirus Mandates: Parents Protest, Cops Say Nope

The Department of Justice will most likely be investigating these parents as terrorists soon Parents not happy with California student vaccine mandate protest at Capitol After Gov. Gavin Newsom imposed the nation’s first COVID-19 vaccination mandate for schoolchildren, parents unhappy with the move converged at the Capitol on Monday to protest. California parents against the mandate […]

Good News: Electric Car Batteries Set To Become Massive Environmental Problem

It’s not like Skeptics haven’t said this before. Climate cultists are trying to solve one imaginary problem that has little to do with the environment, no matter how much they bleat, by creating a real environmental one Opinion: Electric vehicles certainly are dirty — their battery packs are poised to be one of the biggest […]

Democrats Are Super Anxious Over Spending Conflicts Or Something

The Hardcores are Very Concerned over Let’s Go Brandon’s agenda. Which is interesting, considering Surrender Joe positioned himself as a moderate who would bring #Unity to the nation, yet, the agenda is beyond Leftist. Who’s driving the Crazy in the agenda, particularly the $3.5 trillion “It’s Totally Paid For” bill? Democrats feel high anxiety in […]

Pirate's Cove