Monthly Archives: June 2020

Minnesota AG Keith Ellison Sues Oil Companies Over Climate Crisis (scam)

Having solved all the crime issues in Minnesota, everything is hunky dory in Minneapolis, Keith turns his sights on oil companies AG Ellison Sues Oil Companies, Saying They Deceived Minnesotans About Climate Change Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has filed a major lawsuit against big oil companies. The newly-filed lawsuit names ExxonMobil, Koch Industries, and […]

If All You See…

…is a world turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on Bubba Wallace wanting to make a Statement.

Bubba Wallace Doubles Down On Racism Accusations Despite FBI Investigation

I’ve ignored this story, because we all knew the way it was going to end. Just like most all the others, as a hoax, as people being over-wrought over something that wasn’t real, that they just saw things the wrong way. The very minute it was noted that the “noose” was attached to the garage […]

Democrat Big Wigs Battle It Out On Climate Policy

It’s rather like watching like watching two different Nazi groups debate. The first are just Nazi troops, the other are members of the SS. Both are hardcore, but one is more hardcore. The difference between Stalin and Mao: both are horrible, but 3 million to 20 million died under Stalin, and 20-46 million under Mao […]

Lunatics Plan To Tear Down Emancipation Memorial, Crazy Democrat Introduces Legislation To Take It Down

Everything is bad and must be torn down, you know. These no-longer protesters because they are using violence are pledging to tear the memorial down today Petition calls for removal of Emancipation Statue in Capitol Hill’s Lincoln Park; Some fight to protect it As the debate over confederate statues and other monuments continues to heat […]

Wisconsin Governor Asks Citizens For Ideas On Hotcoldwetdry

I actually fully agree with this Wisconsin governor asking public for policy suggestions on climate change As Gov. Tony Evers begins crafting his second budget, his administration is asking for suggestions on ways the state can fight and adapt to climate change. The Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change, headed by Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, […]

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post noting one of the statues defaced was of guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Seattle Proclaims It’s Time For The IdiotZone To Go

And residents are wondering why it took so long Residents near Seattle’s CHOP ask what took city so long to move to break up protest Residents who live near Seattle’s “police-free” zone called CHOP –­ “Capitol Hill Organized Protest” – expressed relief after Mayor Jenny Durkan announced Monday that city officials are working to end […]

Bummer: Planting New Forests Is Bad For ‘Climate Change’

Now, this is an interesting take from the Cult of Climastrology Climate change: Planting new forests ‘can do more harm than good’ Rather than benefiting the environment, large-scale tree planting may do the opposite, two new studies have found. One paper says that financial incentives to plant trees can backfire and reduce biodiversity with little […]

Most Americans Against Defunding, Abolishing Police

Even a goodly chunk of Democrats are against this idiocy, which is perhaps why you aren’t hearing as many calls from Democrats as of late, except for the moonbats. It is a small poll, but, you can surely get a good sense of the nation from it Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Americans Oppose ‘Abolishing’ the […]

Pirate's Cove