Monthly Archives: September 2015

AP Style Book Comes Out With New Way To Define Warming And Skeptics

The AP Stylebook is the definitive guide for “reporters” in their writings, and they’ve come up with some changes to warming and Skeptics, as guided by hyper-warmist Seth Borenstein (AP) global warming The terms global warming and climate change can be used interchangeably. Climate change is more accurate scientifically to describe the various effects of greenhouse […]

If All You See…

…is a marshland that will soon be swallowed by the sea, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Fire Andrea Mitchell, with a post noting the 2007 Hillary campaign starting the Obama’s not an American meme.

Which Killed More, Sharks Or Selfies?

It’s the age old canard…well, if you consider over 16 years “old”, since phones with cameras haven’t really been around that long. The first commercially available one hit the market in South Korea in 2000. It wasn’t till 2002 that a US carrier, Sprint, started selling one. They were all clunky with very low resolution, […]

Are Trees Revolting Over “Climate Change”, Or Just Confirming The Pause?

The obvious answer seems to miss members of the Cult Of Climastrology Global warming: are trees going on strike? Trees, crucial absorbers of climate-harming carbon dioxide gas, may finally be balking at an ever-earlier spring season brought on by global warming, researchers said Wednesday. Over the past several decades, trees across central Europe have been […]

Fish Wrap: Middle East Security Necessary Now That Iran’s Getting Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars

The New York Times Editorial Board publishes an editorial that is truly worthy of only wrapping stinky, dead fish. They’re super enthused by the Iran deal, thumbing their noses at Republicans and those few Democrats who wanted to kill it (and still could, if Mitch McConnell had a spine), but, still, inadverdently tell us a […]

PETA Sues To Give Monkey Copyright To Selfies

I wish this was The Onion or some satire site. Alas, no (AP) A macaque monkey who took now-famous selfie photographs should be declared the copyright owner of the photos, rather than the nature photographer who positioned the camera, animal-rights activists contend in a novel lawsuit filed Tuesday. The suit was filed in federal court […]

If All You See…

…are wonderful trees sucking in carbon pollution from Everyone Else, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Bookworm Room, with a post on the enemy whose name we dare not speak.

Hotcoldwetdry Could Cost The World Trillions Or Something

Unless we instituted massive government intervention and carbon trading schemes, of course Climate Change Could Cost The World Trillions More Than We Thought All is not lost, researchers warn, but we need to act swiftly. The gross domestic product of the United States was nearly $17.5 trillion in 2014. That’s enough money to buy all the planet’s gold […]

Cult Of Climastrology Pinpoints Exactly When Global Warming Started Or Something

No, really. Their models tell them so (UK Daily Mail) This year is tipped to be the hottest on record as global temperatures continue to soar. Now researchers have revealed for the first time when and where signs of this global warming first appeared in historical temperature records. Using readings dating back as far as […]

SJWs Have Now Come For Kiss-Cam In Syracuse

Personally, I do not care for kiss-cam at sporting events. What’s supposed to be a cute thing during commercial breaks, and usually is, can turn into a cringe worthy effort when the camera focuses on two people who shouldn’t be kissing. Like this But, it’s usually just silly fun. Not so in Syracuse (Fox News) […]

Pirate's Cove