Daily Archives: October 12, 2013

“Climate Change” Will Cause Lots Of Snow And Cold Misery

What with all the early snow and cold, we’re entering the psychoneurotic/bat guano insane time of where they blame GHGs. Sadly, lots of people actually believe this crap Climate change misery: Snow and deep freeze spell disaster for livestock Midwestern ranchers recently dealt with the shock of losing vital livestock in aftermath of a historic […]

If All You See…

…is horrible heat induced snow (why else would they be wearing bikinis unless it was hot?), you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Lonely Conservative, with a post on a union potentially striking over Obummercare.

Britain Braces For Worst CO2 Induced Winter Weather In Decades

You got up, turn on the TV and coffee maker which had never been unplugged, wasted water by taking a 5 minute shower, used more than 2 sheets of TP, used some hair spray, then got in your fossil fueled vehicle to go to your workplace with central AC. And because of your monstrous carbon […]

Wash Post: “Obamacare Save My Family!!!!!”

I’m waiting for the opinion piece “Obamacare killed my family when my employer dropped my hours to part time and dropped our coverage” Obamacare saved my family from financial ruin House Speaker John Boehner and his tea party friends shut down the U.S. government because of people like me. I am the mother of an […]

Republicans Ready To Give Obama Everything He Wants?

I’ll admit, I had some concerns with the whole shutdown plan. First, because there was no way the Democrat controlled Senate would defund the “Affordable” Care Act, and on the .001% chance that happened, Obama wouldn’t sign it. Nor would they delay the individual mandate. Nor make substantive changes that fix the issues that are […]

Pirate's Cove