I’ll admit, I had some concerns with the whole shutdown plan. First, because there was no way the Democrat controlled Senate would defund the “Affordable” Care Act, and on the .001% chance that happened, Obama wouldn’t sign it. Nor would they delay the individual mandate. Nor make substantive changes that fix the issues that are destroying our economy, causing people to lose their health insurance, and cause Obamacare premiums to skyrocket. Democrats do not want to listen to the American people who hate Obamacare, and really do not care about Americans except as serfs.
I was concerned that they had no plan for when the “A”CA launched and failed. They could have come out on 10/2 and said “well, Ocare is collapsing and is as bad as we thought, here’s a CR that has cuts, we’re moving on.” I was concerned that the GOP had no plan to move from the “A”CA to serious cuts. And, with so many, let’s call them …. “squishy jerks”, ones like John McCain and Peter King, among others, I was concerned that something like this would happen
(Breitbart) House Republicans have sent the White House a revised proposal to lift the debt ceiling for six weeks, as well as reopen government through December 15th, which was their original spending proposal before the partial shutdown. The revised GOP plan reflects the demands Obama made in a meeting with House GOP Leaders on Thursday. It also reflects the unwillingness of the DC GOP to face a fiscal showdown with Democrats.
Aside from reopening the government and agreeing to raise America’s debt over the current $16.7 trillion limit, the Republicans made several other concession to President Obama and the Democrats. One such example is that Obamacare would receive funding. The Republicans would get to take out a portion of the president’s signature legislation, but the law would substantially remain intact. The AP reports:
Under a proposal she and other GOP senators have been developing, a medical device tax that helps finance the health care law would be repealed, and millions of individuals eligible for subsidies to purchase health insurance under the program would be subject to stronger income verification.
This has obviously not gone through, and is simply from reports. But, can’t you see this as what the GOP squishes are proposing? Doesn’t it feel like something the GOP would do? Instead of attacking Obama for Shutdown Theater, for closing open air monuments, for the cones on roads, etc, for his intransigence, they seem to be willing to compromise, ie, give in for a few bones sucked dry of meat and marrow
In exchange for meeting, at least momentarily, all of Obama’s demands, the House GOP is seeking a “framework” for future negotiations on addressing longer-term budget issues. These negotiations would be led for the Republicans by Rep. Paul Ryan, who is likely to seek a “grand bargain” resolving the nation’s structural budget problems.
Anyone who believes Obama and the Democrats will negotiate, even in bad faith, afterwards, please go sit in the corner with a dunce hat. Remember, Senate Democrats said they would pass an actual budget, something they haven’t done since Obama took office, as part of the debt deal earlier in this same year.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

what the hell?? We are willing to give in to all of Obama’s demands, allowing him to dictate how we are seen in the media, named in the media, when and where we meet, and how often and over what… all for the HOPE, the plea, that he might some day come to the table to negotiate some other future issue?
If this is true, and not some media attempt to push public in to pushing the Repubs, and the GOP are indeed putting very RINO people in charge of polishing Obama’s brass, then this is their last decade. They are over.
We have Park Police escorting elderly citizens and tourists out of parks by force. We have them threatening arrest any citizen who thinks of touching foot inside of our parks. yet, they are perfectly happy to allow non-citizens to protest against the USA. They allow illegals to spit in our eyes while arresting vets for daring to stand their ground against illegal closures.
Our repubs should be leading a protest at the WW2 and Vietnam memorials to demand that they reopen. I’ve seen only a couple just joining tour groups.