Monthly Archives: June 2013

Surprise: Several Liberal Groups Enraged Over Border Control Provisions

Liberal and pro-amnesty groups must surely know that the border control provisions in the Democrat Schumer-Rubio amnesty bill will, for the most part, be ignored, especially by the current far-left administration. Just like happened when the last amnesty was passed. Just like with much of the border control legislation passed in 2006 (which was also […]

Boehner To Refuse To Bring Gang Of 8 Amnesty Bill Up For Vote?

That’s what Jonathon Strong reports (via Allahpundit) In closed door mtg, Boehner just told Rs the House will not bring up the Senate immigration bill — Jonathan Strong (@j_strong) June 26, 2013 Allahpundit also notes that a new Rasmussen poll has immigration being considered Very Important for the 2014 midterms by 51% of poll respondents, […]

If All You See…

… are wonderful trees sucking carbon pollution from the atmosphere that should be torn down to create a solar farm, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the (hump) day is The Lonely Conservative, with a post on the trash left behind from Obama’s hotcoldwetdry speech.

OMG, SCOTUS Strikes Down Bill Clinton’s DOMA!!!!!!!1!!!!

Yesterday, progressives were going bat guano insane over the Supreme Court’s decision on one portion of the Voting Rights Act. Today, they are going…bat guano insane over the DOMA decision, based on their headlines Supreme Court strikes down DOMA Same-Sex Spouses Cheer DOMA’s Demise Supreme Court strikes down DOMA, Colorado impact weighed Supreme Court: DOMA […]

Man With Giant Carbon Footprint Squees Over Speech Given By Man With With Biggest CFP In World

If you guessed that the first was Al Gore, and he’s congratulating Obama for making a speech, you get a cookie. No beer. It contains CO2 (Al’s Journal) This was a terrific and historic speech, by far the best address on climate by any president ever. I applaud the new measures announced by President Barack […]

North Carolina Moves Ahead With Voter ID Bill After SCOTUS Ruling

I forget who wrote the Tweet yesterday, they come so quick, but it went something like “If they can drive down to the polling place, they can drive down to get an ID” (WRAL) Voter identification legislation in North Carolina will pick up steam again now that the U.S. Supreme Court has struck down part […]

Washington Free Beacon Infiltrates The Alabaster Nutroots Nations

Unsurprisingly, lots of alcohol was required. Make sure to read just how moonbat the Netroots Nation gathering was. Mostly professional activists, very few of the grassroots and left-side bloggers. And white. Very, very white. The kind of white that the Tea Party is always accused of being. Anyhow, it was this nutty Netroots organizers go […]

Obama Outsources Blame For Shooting Down Keystone XL

This will hopefully be my last post on President 44K metric tons carbon footprint (OK, I added 3k, but, does anyone think his CFP hasn’t gone up over the years? And 44 is perfect) Obama’s hotcoldwetdry speech. At least for today. But, here’s a little snippet (via Ace and Erika Johnson) (HuffPost) President Barack Obama […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled limo, which no one else should be allowed to use except President Obama, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Director Blue, with a post on the ammo shortage by the numbers.

Primal Scream: Warmists Declare That “Climate Change” Isn’t About Air Temperature

The 15+ year pause in statistically significant warming has had Warmists scrambling for ways to protect their cult. Here’s Dana Nuccitelli at the UK Goreball Guardian When you hear the term “global warming,” do you think of the warming of air temperatures at the Earth’s surface, or the warming of the planet as a whole? […]

Pirate's Cove