No, no, no alarmism here (Esquire) South Carolina has a seacoast, which apparently has eluded the notice of Governor Nikki (Kelly Ayotte Stole My Place In Line!) Haley, because her administration evidently has decided that the state is uniquely immune to the Great Climate Change Hoax, which greedy scientists insist will make the oceans bigger […]
Recent Comments
- CarolAnn on If All You See…: “Yikes. The Israeli military killed an American in the West Bank. Does that make you happy? You sound glad.” Sep 11, 09:02
- L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! on If All You See…: “The object of the electoral college is to keep larger states from becoming dictators. But as a commie I imagine…” Sep 11, 09:01
- L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! on If All You See…: “Every state vote to date has reversed the bans from the right-wing Republicun legislatures. First of all they voted to…” Sep 11, 08:56
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- Professor Hale on We Need New Bread For An Overheated World Or Something: “How dare he create a new type of bread when so many people are intolerant to gluten.” Sep 11, 08:01