As Tom Nelson points out, these people think you’re stupid
(Sydney Morning Herald) A draft UN report three years in the making concludes that man-made climate change has boosted the frequency or intensity of heat waves, wildfires, floods and cyclones and that such disasters are likely to increase in the future.
Someone wants the money train to keep a-rollin’.
The story goes on to mention things such as droughts, floods, and the large amounts of hurricanes to hit the US…oh, wait, it was one, Irene, of which there is no proof it was a hurricane at either landfall (NC and NJ). These things apparently never happened in the history of the Earth before mankind developed fossil fueled motor vehicles….oh, wait, their new talking point is that mankind is making them worse. Whatever
Most of these events match predicted impacts of manmade global warming, which has raised temperatures, increased the amount of water in the atmosphere and warmed ocean surface temperatures — all drivers of extreme weather.
Most of these events match predicted impacts of what has happened as the climate of the Earth has changed naturally over the last few billion years. But, saying that it is mostly or solely natural won’t get the little chicken littles out in the streets spreading awareness (then jumping back into their Suburbans to go pick their 4 kids up, driving to the supermarket to get a few steaks, grilling out, then sitting in the fossil fuel heated home). Anyhow, here we go
Heavy rain and snowfall is likely to increase over the next century over many regions, especially in the tropics and at high latitudes;
So, greenhouse gases, which warm the world, are going to make it snow in the tropics? They really do think you’re stupid.

Snow raises the water table more efficiently than heavy rain.
What causes extremes of weather is divergent fronts colliding.
Ie….A high and low pressure colliding or a warm front running into a cold or cooler front.
This is what drives extreme weather.
In the world of the AGW crowd their will be no extreme weather because the whole planet will be a sauna.
Oppsss.dont tell them that though….they’ll have to come up with a way to explain why weather in a saunta will snow on us.
Heavy rain and snowfall is likely to increase over the next century over many regions, especially in the tropics and at high latitudes;
GAWD this is too funny……..
Did you actually read this and digest what they are saying here?
The big deal is that OH MY GAWD the snow is receeding….the mountains are LOOSING their snow pack…..The north and south pole will all melt away…….
Now they are saying at High latitudes its gonna snow more and in the tropics where it ALWAYS RAINS……HARD….MOONSOONS ANYONE?…..its gonna RAIN…..
Progressives……leading a retarded life….one day at a time……