You can guess what is going to crop up as one of the reasons, right?
Life on Earth is hurtling toward extinction levels comparable with those after the dinosaur-deleting asteroid impact of 65 million years ago, propelled forward by human activities, according to scientists from UC Berkeley.
This week, scientists announced that if current extinction rates continue unabated, and vulnerable species disappear, Earth could lose three-quarters of its species as soon as three centuries from now.
This means that not too far in the future, backyards might not be buzzing with bees, bombarded by seagulls or shaded by redwood trees. And while that might seem far off, species already are disappearing on a global scale. In recent history, we’ve lost the dodo bird and the passenger pigeon, the Javan tiger and the Japanese sea lion, and now, maybe the eastern cougar — declared extinct by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Wednesday. Amphibians, mammals, plants, fish — none are immune to going the way of the dinosaurs, courtesy of the human impact on fragile ecosystems.
Granted, Mankind could do a better job of conservation. No matter how you look at it, whether from a religious viewpoint, where God has made Man stewards of the Earth, or simply because nature simply rocks, we could do better. Of course, if ecosystems are so fragile, doesn’t that refute Darwinism, and survival of the fittest? Anyhow, guess what one of the causes is?
To determine whether current losses could equal these mass extinction rates, scientists compared recent rates with species die-offs during the Big Five, taking into account presently endangered species. They also looked at the number of species lost in recent history and found that while rates are dramatically higher than expected, the percentage of vanishing species is not elevated — yet. We already are engaged in a seemingly inexorable march toward barren landscapes and empty seas, a procession fueled by human population growth, resource consumption and climate change, according to scientists.
All three are the complaints by the extreme enviro-nuts and climate morons. All three are inexorably linked in their talking points, referencing one to highlight another.
It’s no coincidence that these ‘scientists’ are from UC Berkly. When are universities like this going to get their funding reduced when they produce unvarifiable conclusions like this, it’s done for media impact only.
Well of course it is! But not yet, I haven’t won the Publishers Clearing House millions yet!
Are we supposed to expect eternity for a planet made of carbon and other elements and chemicals? Are we supposed to believe it is indestructable? There was never a moment that I didn’t believe that God, and or Nature could end her in a blink of an eye, if He or it wanted to!
Are we supposed to NOT believe what scientists of old discovered; an ever changing universe, no universeS, full of stars that are being born and dying, planets that are new and old? We have found out that there is a vast amount of debris from planets and whole solar systems that imploded! Why would be be any different? And, why would animals not be like the ones from eons ago, some survived some did not. We would never have been here if dinosaurs still roamed the earth, and there are more recent mammals that went extinct without ANY help from man. I would bet that they were replaced by new animals who were better able to survive their environment, and the same is true for today! Ever seen a stink bug before leat year? Not me!
Face it, these loons will do and say anything that demeans Mankind and makes him out to be the bad guy, it is in their DNA!
Political science. Ignore.
So, statistically speaking, if we are supposedly “losing” 55 species a day, then statistically speaking, then we will lose 6,022,500 species in 3 centuries. Is that really an extinction event? Even if true? 6 million species?!?! ummm.. yeah. statistically speaking.
Now, let’s carry this out further. If we live for another 3,000 years, then we will lose 60,225,000 species. 60 million species will be lost. We have got to do something NOW!!!
But, this also means that we had 90,337,500,000 species on this planet 4.5 million years ago. A small drop in the bucket.
From the start of time, we MUST HAVE HAD, statistically speaking, 90,337,500,000,000 species on this planet. That is 90 Trillion species.
We’ve killed almost 90 Trillion species!?!?!?!?!? We must be stopped!!
The AGW crowd realized they lost. So they are linking and changing their tune to population control and resource shortage.
But population will never be a problem for this world……….
This proves it……
don’t think you meant “and” in the subject…
Life is a terminal disease. Nobody gets out of it alive.
This applies to species just as much as to individuals.
[…] Is Life On Earth Headed Towards And Extinction Event? Granted, Mankind could do a better job of conservation. No matter how you look at it, whether from a religious viewpoint, where God has made Man stewards of the Earth, or simply because nature simply rocks, we could do better. Of course, if ecosystems are so fragile, doesn’t that refute Darwinism, and survival of the fittest? Anyhow, guess what one of the causes is? […]
Screw You Mojo. I plan to go green, eat TOFU and live forever. I have this handi-dandi little pocket-life planner from that says its true.