Daily Archives: August 7, 2006

Fatwa, Please

Being banned in India is OK, but, you know what would be great? Being banned in Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc. I hope this retreat helps! Anyhow, speaking of burning books, Dr. Shackleford at The Jawa Report catches staged book burning in Lebanon.

Know Anyone Who Needs An “Anti-Stupid” Pill?

Oh, I can think of quite a few people. Approx 59 million (story from al-Reuters. No photos, though) A German scientist has been testing an "anti-stupidity" pill with encouraging results on mice and fruit flies, Bild newspaper reported Saturday. It said Hans-Hilger Ropers, director at Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, has tested a pill thwarting […]

Care To See Your Personal Information?

Do ya? Give me your name, and I can find your address, current and past ones, your date of birth, your phone number, maybe even your work address. How about a link directly to a background check on you? Property, 20 year history, criminal. Even a satellite photo of where you live. Sound intruiging? Or […]

Revenge Of The Cease Fire

Al Reuters reports that Lebanon is demanding a cease fire: Lebanon's prime minister, choking back tears, demanded a "quick and decisive ceasefire" on Monday after an Israeli air raid that he said killed more than 40 civilians sheltering from fighting in a southern village. Companion photo:

Beer Monday Linkfest: Olmert Goes Tuh-ray-za On EU

This commercial was banned. Not sure why. [gv data=”http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=-8277487889802129231&hl=en”][/gv] The EU would like to ban Israeli PM Ehud Olmert, or at least his comments. Olmert didn’t go quite as far as telling the EU to “shove it,” but he did lay a nice little smack down Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told European leaders to stop […]

Pirate's Cove