Daily Archives: August 21, 2023

850 People Are Still Missing In Maui

I have to wonder, why is this not bigger news? 850 Americans still missing? Why is news about Maui such low priority? Is it because Biden had no interest in visiting? Kinda like how the East Palestine train derailment was minimized after a few days? 850 people are still missing after Maui wildfires, mayor says […]

If All You See…

…is a hazy, smoke filled sky from carbon pollution wildfires, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Not A Lot O fPeople Know That, with a post on Texans asked to reduce their electricity usage as the wind drops.

Climate Cultists Push Brandon To Declare Climate Emergency Or Something

Nothing makes more sense than taking a long fossil fueled jumbo jet to Hawaii, followed by a backup jumbo jet and several fighter jets, then jumping in a low MPG limo with a large retinue of fossil fueled vehicles, perhaps a fossil fueled helicopter ride and then declaring a climate emergency in an island state […]

Of Course: Barren Disney Parks Blamed On Hotcoldwetdry

It really is a catchall excuse Nolte: ‘Barren’ Disney Theme Parks Blamed on Climate Change “Disney [theme park] attendance has dropped substantially,” reports Inside the Magic.com. The terms “ghost town” and “barren” are being used to describe this stunning turn of events. What’s to blame? Well, I can tell what is certainly not to blame, and that’s having anything […]

Georgia Election Workers Will Get Justice In Trump Prosecution

But, hey, remember, this is all about the legal justice system, which is blind, right? Georgia Trump indictment invokes justice for election workers Sprinkled throughout the sweeping Georgia indictment covering every aspect of former President Trump’s effort to overturn the state’s 2020 election are references to one woman: poll worker Ruby Freeman. The Fulton County […]

Pirate's Cove