Daily Archives: August 4, 2023

Taylor Swift Concerts Are Now A Concern Of The Climate Cult

Even though this piece by Nives Dolsak and Aseem Prakash at Forbes is taken from the Warmist point of view, and is rather silly, it actually makes an interesting point Taylor Swift And Climate Change: Is The Youth “Shaking Off” Or Embracing Carbon-Intensive Lifestyles? Climate change has emerged as an important issue for the younger […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible pool with lots and lots of Evil concrete, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Doug Ross @ Journal, with a post on four years of Russian hoax insurrectionists.

Justice Kagan Comes Out In Favor Of Congress Regulating Supreme Court

No one should be surprised that a liberal on the court fails to understand the Constitutional provisions, nor that a liberal wants to give up power to another branch of the federal government. Liberals have loved giving up their Constitutional power to the Executive branch….as long as a Democrat is in the White House. Of […]

NPR Seems Pretty Upset That Most Republicans Prioritize The Economy Of The Climate Crisis (scam)

How dare these Republicans care more about the economy!!!!! Three-quarters of Republicans prioritize the economy over climate change It’s hot. And some apparently don’t mind it that way. The latest heat wave is fueled by human-caused climate change from burning fossil fuels, but despite the settled science, the overwhelming evidence and the billions of dollars […]

Uber-Socialist Cori Bush Pushing Insane “Unhoused” Bill

On the bright side, even the Democrats aren’t insane enough to vote for this bill, right? There’s zero chance it even gets a vote on the House floor. It does let us know what the hardcore Democrats really want This is a flaming heap of garbage. Here’s the text of the bill for anyone who […]

Pirate's Cove