Daily Archives: August 16, 2023

Enviroweenies: We Want Renewable Energy. Also Enviroweenies: But, Not There

How many times have we seen this: the enviroweenies/Warmists demand more and more “green” energy, but, the minute either the government or private sector tries to do it they try to stop it. Remember the Cape Wind Project, and how long they tried to stop it, along with grand high poobahs in the climate cult […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful big city full of fellow Warmists, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on the hostile judge Tanya Chutkan.

Biden Finally Mentions Disaster In Maui, Forgets Name

If this was Trump or any other Republican, the Credentialed Media would have destroyed him for all the no comment stuff (he did that multiple times), for saying he’s not going there (which is actually wise policy, presidents should almost always avoid disaster areas to not create a circus, but, really, Biden just doesn’t care, […]

New One: “Carbon Pollution” Is Now Bad For Plants

What do plants need? Water, nutrients from the soil, and carbon dioxide. But, because this is a cult, CO2 is called a pollutant, and it’s required to find a way to say it is super bad for the very thing that needs it For Decades, Our Carbon Emissions Sped the Growth of Plants — Not […]

Large Supermarket In Nation’s Capitol May Close Over $500K Worth Of Shoplifting

It’s one thing to have all this theft in a place like Portland or San Francisco. This is our nation’s seat of government DC supermarket near closing after $500K in groceries walks out the door As cities across the U.S. grapple with a growing shoplifting problem, a Washington, D.C., grocery store may be on the […]

Pirate's Cove