Climate Cultists Push Brandon To Declare Climate Emergency Or Something

Nothing makes more sense than taking a long fossil fueled jumbo jet to Hawaii, followed by a backup jumbo jet and several fighter jets, then jumping in a low MPG limo with a large retinue of fossil fueled vehicles, perhaps a fossil fueled helicopter ride and then declaring a climate emergency in an island state that would revert to 3rd world status without fossil fuels

Biden faces calls to declare climate emergency as he heads to Maui

As President Joe Biden prepares to visit Maui, the Hawaiian island devastated by the deadliest wildfire in U.S. modern history, lawmakers and climate groups are begging the White House to do more to prevent future climate-related disasters.

Their argument: If the latest environmental catastrophe won’t spur the president into action, what will?

The fires, likely sparked by the island’s electric utility and heightened by climate change impacts, swept through the Pacific paradise last week, killing at least 110 people and leaving the famed town of Lahaina smoldering in ruins. As survivors search for missing family members and friends, and a housing crisis unfolds amid the vast destruction, climate activists and members of Congress are urging Biden to declare a national emergency over climate change.

In case you haven’t noticed, that’s that climate cult cop-out: sure, it wasn’t caused by ‘climate change’, but, it was made worse. Because, apparently, it’s your fault that they imported non-native grasses that are like tinder. And failed to cut them back. And failed to use the warning sirens. And failed to turn the power off during high winds. And failed to provide the necessary water. The government knew about the potential for horrific fires all the way back in 2014.

Alongside climate groups, many of Biden’s allies in Congress have urged him to invoke emergency powers, which would enable the president to take sweeping action to restrain greenhouse gas production, implement large-scale clean transportation solutions and finance distributed energy projects, among other actions.

“The devastation in Maui is a clear sign that the president must declare a climate emergency — now. While FEMA is providing resources to the local heroes on the ground fighting for the lives and livelihoods of Hawaiians, the underlying climate-driven conditions of drought, extreme heat, environmental injustice, and non-resilient infrastructure will remain,” Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) said in a statement to POLITICO.

And not one reporter will ask Markey or any of the other Warmists saying this if they’ve given up their own use of fossil fuels and made their lives carbon neutral.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), who has long called on Biden to take this step, said that if the devastation in Hawaii isn’t a national emergency, “what is?”

“I refuse to accept that people choosing between burning alive or jumping into the ocean for hours on end is our new normal. This is a crisis and we need to treat it that way. That starts with President Biden declaring a national climate emergency to unlock vast federal resources and emergency powers to help our communities prepare for and recover from these deadly climate disasters,” he added.

Never mentioned are the details of declaring a climate (scam) emergency. What power are involved? How will this effect citizen’s lives? What will they be forced to do? What will this cost them? As the saying goes, the devil’s in the details.

Meanwhile, Brandon will be flying out of Reno at 1140am east coast time, landing in Maui at 510pm east coast time, and leaving at 1125pm east coast time, which means he’s giving them about 4 hours of actual time. It should be interesting to see what he does. Will he visit Lahaina, going in when residents are not allowed back?

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15 Responses to “Climate Cultists Push Brandon To Declare Climate Emergency Or Something”

  1. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    In case you haven’t noticed, that’s that climate cult cop-out: sure, it wasn’t caused by ‘climate change’, but, it was made worse

    so in this respect it’s like some radically brainwashed leftist telling us how lucky he was to have had 19 COVID shots because when he finally caught COVID it made it less severe and last only half as long.

    In other words more doublespeak from a brainwashed leftist.

  2. James Lewis says:

    L.G., reasonable people can differ and I stand firm in my belief in freedom of speech and understand that a good rant can have a soothing effect on the soul.

    But there is no doubt that the Covid vaccines do reduce the symptoms and drop hospital admissions and ICU ventilators and what they involve.

    If you don’t want to take the vaccine, then don’t.

    But please don’t attempt to influence others with incorrect information.

  3. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    You know Mr. Lewis you start out by saying how reasonable people can differ and how you stand firm on freedom of speech then you end up by saying that I shouldn’t attempt to influence others with incorrect information. Frankly I wasn’t trying to influence anybody. I was just stating my opinion. And it’s an opinion that I can document but only anecdotally. In fact I was just on a phone call with a friend in San Antonio who just ran into the same problem there. Everybody supposedly has COVID and what they got is the flu so they’re claiming that the the ones that were vaccinated were saved by the vaccine. And they just ignore the ones who weren’t vaccinated.

    Here in Florida during the COVID epidemic it didn’t matter what you had you had COVID and it didn’t matter what you died from you died from COVID. And that was because if you died from COVID there was a fee paid to the hospital that could go up as high as $45,000 but only if you died of COVID.

    I would be much more apt to believe this stuff had the government not spent years lying to us about everything from Trump to sex change operations.

    I’m not trying to convince you about sex change operations either just so you know.

    • david7134 says:

      The issue is not the vaccine and wether it works or not. The issue is being forced to take a vaccine that is only of major fluency in elderly and those with metabolic inflammation. And money people are cautious of the nature of the vaccine. That is the problem.

  4. Jl says:

    It’s been an emergency since 1989 or so, right…? But this time we’ll really mean it…

  5. James Lewis says:


  6. James Lewis says:

    L.G., our mutual freedom of speech allows us both to say what we please. Note that I merely requested that you not promulgate incorrect information.

    But yes, those vaccinated do suffer much less because of reduced symptoms.

    And please understand. A false diagnosis of Covid to allow the hospital to receive additional funds requires:

    The admitting ER doctor to agree.

    The lab technician who does the blood analysis to agree.

    The floor/patient nurses who see the patient’s daily records to agree.

    The patient’s assigned doctor to agree.

    And, in case of death, the charged/observing doctor to agree.

    All of these people must jointly cooperate to defraud the government.

    Plus, in case of death, issuing a false death certificate carries very stiff state penalties.

    A minimum of 4, maybe 5, health professionals who could lose their licenses/jobs just to help the HOSPITAL make money, must agree to lie.. I don’t think so.

    • James Lewis says:

      Much confusion has been caused by people not understanding the Cause of Death. -COD- Simply put, if the patient has a prior disease, say diabetes, and is being successfully treated, and then catches COVID and dies, the COD is COVID.

      VAERS is a very poor database but it did identify problems with J&J vaccines. These were corrected.

      Within the US right at 1,000,000,000 doses have been given. If you had that many people line up and try to walk through your home some will die before exiting.

      And I do not believe that government has our best interest at heart. The government is people and people do bad things in pursuit of money, power and fame.

      So I listen/read with a cocked eye everything the government says. I am also very wary of anti-vaxers and others with an agenda blabbering away on the Internet.

      I do listen to my primary care doctor, who I have been with for 20 plus years, and I try very hard to apply logic to all I read/see/hear.

      So here’s to Trump winning and actually draining the swamp. But it’s gonna be hard.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      I’m not promulgating incorrect information. The COVID vaccine was sold to the people of the United states as a vaccine which means if taken you could neither catch nor transmit the disease. That’s what a vaccine is. Or at least was until they realized they had to change the definition to fit the new lies they were throwing at us. Right now I’d like to interject that I am not an anti vaxxer I have every vaccine that ever came down the Pike except COVID.

      Now your list of things that the hospital must do in order to get a false COVID payout is fine but you left one out. You left out the fact that when the government is endorsing the collusion nobody’s going to jail over anything. What happened with this is the same thing that happened with the election the government made it legal. You guys have gotta stop listening to leftists. They make up new rules as they go along and then tell you that everything’s copacetic. You gotta remember we’re dealing with professional liars. That’s all they do.

      All those points you made about doctors nurses and technicians and hospitals having to lie and cheat and steal in order to get paid for COVID means absolutely nothing because they were all in on the scam because you saw what happened if they wouldn’t they were fired.

      I’m also not telling anybody to not get vaccinated. Even COVID vaccinated. I’m just suggesting that it would be nice if they would stop trying to force us that don’t wanna get vaccinated to get vaccinated. If the vaccine actually worked and stopped people from getting COVID and spreading COVID I’d have no problem. But as we all know it does neither of those two things. Therefore if I’m not vaccinated and you are you shouldn’t be able to get COVID right? But if you can still get COVID then it doesn’t matter whether you’re vaccinated or not right?

      Sadly James when everything became political instead of medical they lost me. I don’t trust politicians I especially don’t trust leftist politicians. Their whole Forte is lying their whole motivation is force. I read history just like you do and I’ve noticed that that’s how they operate. And once COVID became a political tool for the elites to beat up middle class people they lost me.

      When you said: “If you don’t want to take the vaccine, then don’t.” you knew that was a right being denied to us by the government but you said it anyhow.

      And then when you added: “But please don’t attempt to influence others with incorrect information.” you doubled down. We can go on all day because what you think is incorrect information I don’t and vice versa. If you honestly believe that over 1,000,000 people in America died from COVID there is nothing I can do to change your mind. Cause all those people for the most part were vaccinated and yet they still died. And if you also believe that the deaths from the common flu dropped from 300,000 in 2019 to 2100 in 2020 what 700,000 Americans died from COVID can I suggest that you are being suckered in by government statistics. When the government counts the votes they cheat when the government makes the statistics they cheat. When the government makes the rules they keep changing the rules when the rules don’t fit them any longer.

      Up until now I’ve only read leftists like dowd that think the way you do. Right up until you started insinuating or accusing me of influencing people with fake false information. At this point I have to stop you. I’m not telling anybody what to do I’m not a leftist. I’m giving my opinion based on the observations I’ve made over the past three years. Your conclusions may be different.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        Mr Lewis is a MAGAt but with a scientific background. His thoughts on the COVID vaccines are consistent with those of the scientific community, but are diametrically opposed to the far-right dogma that you parrot.

        Repeating false or incorrect information IS trying to influence others. It dilutes the influence of truths. Yes, over 1 million Americans died from Covid. Yes, the Covid precautions also caused a reduction in the spread of influenza.

        You complain that the government has limited your freedom to refuse the vaccine, but you work FOR the government and claim you’ve not been vaccinated for COVID!!

        • James Lewis says:

          Dear Elwood:

          Thank you for the comment re my background but it is not “science.” It is engineering (retired).

          The difference is that scientists want to believe, thus they are easily sold claims, while engineers want to build following definite rules that recognize that “up is up and down is down” no matter what people want to believe.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:


            Engineering is based on science and mathematics although engineers (in my experience) are not well-versed on scientific methods – e.g., control groups, blinding, observation, bias and statistical significance.

            It’s been my personal experience that engineers in science are the ones who “want to believe”, thus they are easily sold claims. Physician-scientists, in general, have the same deficiencies. Engineers design bridges, buildings and machines according to rules that in theory should perform, but often fail the objective “experiment”.

            Regardless, I appreciate your input on vaccines. Most MAGA Republicans have a reflexive aversion to scientific findings. It’s not about beliefs but evidence.

        • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

          Repeating false or incorrect information IS trying to influence others. It dilutes the influence of truths.

          So now if I say something that you disagree with you simply say it’s false or incorrect information and I’m not allowed to say it anymore? Is that how this is gonna work when you’re in control? And no a million Americans did not die from COVID they died with COVID big difference. If you have to lie to prove your point then your point is invalid. And if you can’t admit that hundreds of thousands of people were tagged as COVID deaths when they weren’t then mentally you would despicable liar but you’re a propagandist. And if you can’t accept somebody disagreeing with you and find it necessary to accuse them of diluting the truth, which I find funny because only a liberal could believe you can dilute the truth the truth is an absolute.

          You do realize that more people have died that have taken the fake vaccine then died without the fake vaccine right? Not that it matters but the more people who die the happier you are after all as a Democrat you are the party of death, as well as slavery human trafficking and censorship. You really have a great reputation you guys.

          And I believe Mr. Lewis is entitled to his opinion and so are you and I don’t believe that just because he gives opinion or you give an opinion it dilutes anything or it hurts anybody. We are all adults and capable of making up our own decisions. We have all been here during the COVID fiasco. We can all arrive at our own decision based on our information and on our observation. And if you still believe in liberty in any manner shape or form you need to agree with that and if you don’t agree with that then you’re a fascist.

          I was just taken back by the fact that Mister Lewis seems to think that I’m trying to brainwash people because I have a difference of opinion and voice it. I guess I’m allowed to think something as long as I don’t say it right? I can understand you believing that you’re a communist but I didn’t think Mr. Lewis had those types of proclivities. I didn’t know he was threatened by people who disagreed like you are.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            L.G.: So now if I say something that you disagree with you simply say it’s false or incorrect information and I’m not allowed to say it anymore?

            Nope. The way reasonable people deal with disagreements is to discuss the evidence objectively. Sometimes you must agree to disagree. In any event you are allowed to say whatever you want. This is America. But you are not immunized against criticism!

            What is your source on US deaths attributed to Covid? The WHO reports 1,127,152 American residents whose cause of death was Covid. The CDC reports 1,137,742 deaths. Worldometer reports 1,172,801.

            Using a different approach NIH estimated 1,159,580 excess deaths occurred during the first two years of the pandemic. The number of actual deaths from all causes is compared to the expected deaths to obtain excess deaths. It is possible that causes other than Covid contributed the the excess deaths, but the time period aligns with the pandemic.

            We’ve seen claims that people killed in auto accidents who had tested positive for Covid were included in the tallies, but that wouldn’t explain the excess deaths.

            How many deaths do you attribute to Covid during the pandemic?

  7. James Lewis says:


    Engineers are exposed to the “Scientific Method” in school, so they question any “theory” that cannot:

    be tested

    results predicted

    based on observation only

    Any failure is subjected to intense investigation to determine the cause.

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