Of Course: Barren Disney Parks Blamed On Hotcoldwetdry

It really is a catchall excuse

Nolte: ‘Barren’ Disney Theme Parks Blamed on Climate Change

“Disney [theme park] attendance has dropped substantially,” reports Inside the Magic.com. The terms “ghost town” and “barren” are being used to describe this stunning turn of events.

What’s to blame? Well, I can tell what is certainly not to blame, and that’s having anything to do with Disney’s head-first dive into identity and sexual politics. No, no, no, no… Disney’s obsession with race and gender has done nothing to do with killing the magic—even though almost all of Disney’s movies are bombing and Disney+ is losing hundreds of thousands of subscribers and billions of dollars.

And Disney’s ongoing efforts to groom childing by seeding kiddie content with drag queens, transsexual propaganda, and homosexuality certainly has nothing to do with it. (snip)

Disney’s attendance has dropped substantially, but while there is worry about Bob Iger deceiving attendees and the area being a “ghost town,” the answer can also relate to something simpler: weather. While weather and climate change are inherently different, the impacts of climate change on Disney show in meteorological events.

Who wants to go to the theme park when it’s rained out? Why would you risk bringing the family to Disneyland Resort if there is smoke in the air from a fire? These events are getting more common, and the inability to plan for them is one huge way climate change impacts Disney.

That results in diminished theme park attendance, simply due to safety reasons. Climate change impacts Disney, without a doubt, and the impacts extend from Disneyland Paris to any Walt Disney Parks location across the globe. (the italic is from the “ghost town” link)

Except, other theme parks, such as Universal, are doing just fine. And it has always been hot and humid in Florida, and always a good chance of an afternoon storm. Virtually every single wildfire is from someone either being stupid, negligent, or intentional. And some lightning strikes, which have always happened.

But those lies won’t work for the Disney Grooming Syndicate. The DGS is a business. It must make profits, or it goes out of business. Having sycophants blame Climate Change (which is a hoax) might soothe Wall Street for a little while, but the bottom line is the bottom line, and propaganda keeps only governments in business, not corporations.

Disney is hemorrhaging cash and customers. If other parks are doing well, why not Disney? You can bet that a ton of visitors from Asia at the California park are avoiding it because they do not like the grooming stuff. It doesn’t play well in Asia, be it China, South Korea, Japan, or others. And many, many visit California.

Besides, wouldn’t the Warmists want Disney gone, since people take lots and lots of fossil fueled travel to get there, plus the huge amount of fossil fuels and energy required to run Disney?

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7 Responses to “Of Course: Barren Disney Parks Blamed On Hotcoldwetdry”

  1. Matthew says:

    Those that are pulling the strings at Disney (and many other corporations) do not care about the money, that is not the mission. Everyone knows that Disney could just do exactly what they were doing in the late sixties or early seventies, and they would be back to profitability in a few months, but profit is just not their concern. The propaganda is the mission.

  2. wildman says:

    so, disney wants us to pay top dollar to be lectured? i dont think so.

  3. H says:

    Why would anyone actually bother to fact check this story? Especially when it comes mostly from Breitbart!
    Teach haven’t you learned yet not to parrot stories that you want to believe?
    From Walt Disney News Today.com

    May 10, 2023
    Shannon Michaelson
    Disney Parks Made 7.78 Billion in Revenue in 2 Q of 2023
    Up 17%
    Total profits for “woke,” Disney was 29 BILLION

  4. H says:

    In 2022 Disney World had over 27 million visitors easily beating Universal
    Ticket prices for both kids and adults are always over 100$ and could go as high as 160 for one day attendance

  5. H says:

    Disney world attendance down slightly but more than made up for in revenue.

  6. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    It’s funny, in Tokyo, attendance dropped 75% from 2019 to 2020, probably the Japanese anticipating the DeeSantis “grooming” brouhaha. How did they know? Anyway, attendance tripled from 2020 to 2022!

    Same thing happened at Paris Disneyland. Way down in 2020, but near record high in 2022. Are the jaded, faded, perverted Parisians upset by DeeSantis and “grooming”?

    Similar in Shanghai. Down in 2020, up after. (Note that Disney Shanghai was closed down longer than other Disney properties)

    Universal Studios-Orlando had a 60% dip in 2020 and has recovered. Were they also into “grooming”?

    Is it possible that, and we’re just spit-balling here, that Covid caused the attendance drops in 2020 and the parks, worldwide, are still recovering?

    Disney World is not a barren ghost town but is averaging 35,000 visitors per day, up to 100,000 on holidays and special events.

    We get it. Cons love to pleasure themselves attributing mystical powers to their opinions, protests and sometimes, just plain bullshit (e.g., “grooming”).

    Global warming and the unpredictable weather events (tropical storms, droughts, deluges, floods, tornados, heat waves, wildfire and smoke) seems as likely as Woke Disney causing any attendance declines. And of course, don’t forget the impact of the Trump Flu.

    DeeSantis has kinda, sorta stopped talking about “grooming” since The Mouse handed him his ass.

  7. apktow says:

    thank you so much for sharing good content

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