Biden Regime Appeals Court Ruling Blocking Them From Censoring People On Social Media

Yet, Democrats call Republicans Fascist

(Daily Caller) The Biden administration appealed a preliminary injunction Wednesday issued to prevent federal officials from communicating with social media platforms to censor content containing protected speech.

Western District of Louisiana Judge Terry A. Doughty issued the injunction Tuesday after finding plaintiffs in the free speech lawsuit Missouri v. Biden, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, had produced “evidence of a massive effort by Defendants, from the White House to federal agencies, to suppress speech based on its content.” The Biden administration appealed the injunction to the Fifth Circuit on Wednesday.

Western District of Louisiana Judge Terry A. Doughty issued the injunction Tuesday after finding plaintiffs in the free speech lawsuit Missouri v. Biden, Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, had produced “evidence of a massive effort by Defendants, from the White House to federal agencies, to suppress speech based on its content.” The Biden administration appealed the injunction to the Fifth Circuit on Wednesday.

“Although this case is still relatively young, and at this stage the Court is only examining it in terms of Plaintiffs’ likelihood of success on the merits, the evidence produced thus far depicts an almost dystopian scenario,” Doughty wrote. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, a period perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth.’”

So, of course Biden is appealing, as they want to censor those involved with Wrongthink. If we had some elected Republicans with some brains who understand playing the game of politics they would offer legislation restricting the Executive Branch from doing what they’ve been accused of by the plaintiffs. Make a huge deal of it. Constantly talk about it. Put it up for a vote immediately. Make House Democrats go on record. Send it to the Senate where Democrats will have to either vote or show that they want censorship by refusing to allow a vote.

But, they won’t, because the GOP just doesn’t seem to truly understand Fighting Back.

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22 Responses to “Biden Regime Appeals Court Ruling Blocking Them From Censoring People On Social Media”

  1. Imagine the cry from the left were it President Trump who was trying to use the power of government to intimidate social media sites.

    The Democrats have been crying that we evil reich-wing Republicans are fascists, Nazis, totalitarians, and jack-booted thugs, but President Trump, as much as he decried ‘fake news,’ never tried the [insert slang term for feces here] that President Biden has. He never tried to create a Ministery of Truth ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ under the Department of Fatherland Homeland Security; that was Mr Biden’s thankfully failed effort.

    Our good friends on the left will claim that the Biden Administration is only trying to correct misinformation, not actually censor people, but they’ve forgotten how we treat things. If a 22-year-old teacher has sex with an 18-year-old student, both of them are over the age of consent, but it is still a crime because the teacher is a person entrusted with authority over the student, and the student’s free will to consent is compromised. And so it is with the government: if the government tries to ‘correct’ something posted that the left do not like, it isn’t just a request from an equal, but one from a government with the power to fine a company into penury, and prosecute and imprison the corporate leadership.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      LOL. Yes, that’s America’s big problem.

      NOT enough avenues for disseminating information, disinformation and misinformation!

      I think describing today’s MAGAites as having authoritarian tendencies is adequate. No need to invoke Nazis, Hitler, commies or fascists to describe the unrestrained, violent seditious and fervid followers of Adolf Trump.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Yet the unrestrained, violent seditious and fervid followers of BLM and antifa are totes okay in your book, hey Rimjob?

        Bwaha! Lolgf

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          At least they are not followers of Adolf Drumpf trying to overturn the US government, hey DeepThroat?

          Fluffy specializes in dumbassery!!

          • drowningpuppies says:

            Thanks the easy layup, Rimjob.

            In reality, in most instances the radicals in BLM and Antifa were allowed to get away with their heinous actions last year, even being treated as heroes by the mainstream press and Democrats – some of whom, like Harris and the Biden campaign, promoted their bail funds.


            Bwaha! Lolgf

          • Dana says:

            Had Elwood P Dowd been around in 1776, he’d have been a British loyalist!

            At least they are not followers of Adolf Drumpf trying to overturn the US government,

            Our country is independent of the British Crown precisely because we had so many patriots trying to overturn the British government. One would have thought that a self-aware commenter, even if he does live in Missouri, would have thought better of typing what he did just after we celebrated the Fourth of July and the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

            (W)henever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government. — Thomas Jefferson

            Just for Mr Dowd.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Mr Dana admits that Trump et al participated in a rebellion, comparing their efforts to the US settlers throwing off the yoke of the British!!

            According to Mr Dana the MAGAts were being patriots by trying to overthrow the government and install Mr Trump as President!

            And they’re not through yet.

            All it takes is a charismatic leader to start a movement!!

            America is for all Americans, not just the far-right minority.

          • drowningpuppies says:

            Do you enjoy being the most stupid moron at the Cove or are you this annoying everywhere?

            Bwaha! Lolgf

      • In which our good friend Mr Dowd manages to completely miss the point!

        Yes, that’s America’s big problem.

        NOT enough avenues for disseminating information, disinformation and misinformation!

        Freedom of speech and of the press — and I look at social media as a freedom of the press issue, because it’s a publication function — is not something to be measured and doled out by whether we have enough of it, but by the freedom of people to say and publish what they wish. President Biden’s proposed Ministery of Truth ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ under the Department of Fatherland Homeland Security was an attempt not to control The Pirate’s Cove, which, as good as it is, still has a small number of readers, but Twitter and Facebook, ‘publications’ with audiences of millions.

        I think describing today’s MAGAites as having authoritarian tendencies is adequate. No need to invoke Nazis, Hitler, commies or fascists to describe the unrestrained, violent seditious and fervid followers of Adolf Trump.

        Yet, oddly enough, when President Trump was in office, he tried to accomplish things by going through Congress; those “authoritarian tendencies” you claim that conservatives have were exercised not by President Trump, but Joe Biden, when he got into the White House. His vaccine mandate by executive order? Unconstitutional according to the courts. His student loan forgiveness? Nope, the Supreme Court said that it has to go through Congress. The Michigan state government is trying to make freedom of speech, as it regards referring to a ‘transgender’ person by his real name and sex a felony. The left are trying to mandate instruction in the public schools to normalize abnormality, even while sensible parents object.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          The normally cautious Mr Dana mis- or disinforms the readers.

          The Michigan state government is trying to make freedom of speech, as it regards referring to a ‘transgender’ person by his real name and sex a felony

          That’s untrue and we suspect he knows it.

          Anyway, then-President Trump threatened to shut down private social media companies because they would not permit all his lies to be posted. Free speech rights are not absolute, although we do look the other way with many campaign falsehoods.

          • drowningpuppies says:

            Again Rimjob sees only what he wants to see.
            Then makes up shit.
            Fuckin’ clown.

            Bwaha! Lolgf

          • CarolAnn says:

            Free speech rights are not absolute,

            But they should not be based on politics. Unless you’re a nazi/comm. Anything you leftists disagree with you label mis/dis information and dangerous. See “The normally cautious Mr Dana mis- or disinforms the readers”. I rest my case.

          • Dana says:

            I’m afraid that the normally cautious Mr Dowd has just missed it:

            The Michigan state government is trying to make freedom of speech, as it regards referring to a ‘transgender’ person by his real name and sex a felony

            That’s untrue and we suspect he knows it.

            From Newsweek:

            Michigan Pronouns Law Declared an ‘Abomination’ by Former Judge
            by Giulia Carbonaro | Monday, July 3, 2023 | 9:00 AM EDT

            Michigan’s recent bill making it a felony for people to harass or intimidate someone by misgendering them and using the wrong pronouns has sparked controversy in the state, with former judge and television personality Joe Brown calling the measure an “abomination.”

            The new measure, House Bill 4474, is part of a package of legislation that would replace Michigan’s existing Ethnic Intimidation Act and would make it a hate crime to cause someone to “feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened” with words.

            It expands the existing law to cover sex, sexual orientation, age, gender identity or expression, and physical or mental disability. Religion, ethnicity and race were already included in the previous legislation and will still be covered under the new law.

            Michigan has recently been pushing reforms and new measures that would expand the protection of LGBTQ+ rights in the state, going against a nationwide trend that has seen other states moving to limit rights for transgender youth.

            Under the bill — which makes it a hate crime for a person to threaten another by deliberately using the wrong pronouns with an intimidating purpose — offenders would be guilty “of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or by a fine of not more than $10,000. . .
            . .

            HB 4474 was passed by the Democrat-controlled Michigan House of Representatives in a 59 to 50 vote on June 20, and it now moves to the state Senate for consideration.

            Simply put, what I stated was correct.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Mr Dana should read the bill rather than rely on opinion pieces. Then, get back to us.

        • Kye says:

          The entire national soviet anthem is nothing but mis/dis information. But it do sound good.

          • Dana says:

            I will admit it: I sometimes sing along with the Soviet anthem, to work on my Russian language pronunciation.

  2. Jl says:

    Poor babies–first their discrimination was blocked, and now Brandon’s Ministry of Truth is blocked, at least for now….

  3. Kye says:

    The very fact that the government thinks it’s okay to put their fascist thumb on the scales of information, media or entertainment should put a shiver up the spine of any real American. It’s bad enough we live under a hundred alphabet agencies all passing and enforcing rules and regulations on a once free people when they were never elected and seemingly have no oversights but for the pretender of the US to be trying to claw away our free speech is the worst ever by the worst “president” ever.

    This clown needs to go. Now!

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Should the US government have ANY role in limiting “free speech” on our tech platforms?

    Since most Americans now get their “news” from social media (meta, tweeter, Threads, Google, Microsoft…), should we be concerned about foreign interference with what we Americans “learn”? China troll farms saturate social media with anti-American mis- and disinformation. We all know what Russia did. Wagner Group* head Yevgeny Prigozhin headed up the Russian mis- and disinformation campaigns and turned their troll farm terminals toward the west in 2016!

    * Wagner Group: for those that don’t keep up, the Wagner Group is a sophisticated, massive, paramilitary mercenary group in Russia that has largely prosecuted the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They, and their leader Yevgeny Prighozin, are closely aligned with Putin, and finance their activities by occupying and exploiting the resources of several African nations in addition to being funded by Russia. They are linked to neo-Nazis and far-right movements. Putin and his useful idiots in the US gaslight all by claiming their goal is the denazification of Ukraine!! Since the Wagner Group is not part of the Russian military, Putin can deny that their brutal methods in Africa are sponsored by Mother Russia. The Republicun nominee for President supports the idea of a paramilitary organization answerable, unofficially, to the President.

    • Our newly minted neocon wrote:

      Should the US government have ANY role in limiting “free speech” on our tech platforms?

      Since most Americans now get their “news” from social media (meta, tweeter, Threads, Google, Microsoft…), should we be concerned about foreign interference with what we Americans “learn”? China troll farms saturate social media with anti-American mis- and disinformation. We all know what Russia did. Wagner Group* head Yevgeny Prigozhin headed up the Russian mis- and disinformation campaigns and turned their troll farm terminals toward the west in 2016!

      You know, there really is a danger to our freedom of speech and of the press; it is a danger to which we willingly expose ourselves, because we know — or at least most of us know — that the price we would pay for having government regulation of speech and the press is far, far, far too high.

      The Soviet Union and Communist China and the Third Reich all shielded themselves from those dangers, by banning free speech and a free press.

      There are so many other dangers from which we could shield ourselves if we had a government which could restrict our rights. We could rid ourselves of almost all crime by eliminating the rights of fair trials, requirements for warrants, and the requirement to prove guilt rather than the accused having to prove innocence. We had state governors — sadly, including some Republicans — who believed that the danger of COVID was so great that they could suspend the First Amendment rights of free exercise of religion and the right to peaceable assembly, rights later vindicated in the courts, but only after many months. We saw the left putting vaccine and mask mandates in place, despite the masks being almost useless and the vaccines not doing as promised.

      Benjamin Franklin, who risked his own life by signing the Declaration of Independence, once said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” He was right, but we see today’s left willingly giving up essential liberty, claiming it is for the purposes of safety, yet even they would not do so if the liberty they would surrender for other people would have been exercised by themselves.

      The left want law-abiding Americans to surrender their firearms not because the law-abiding have been committing crimes, but because criminals have. Yet, if they had been taught actual history, rather than unprovable speculation that some long-dead person was queer — a word we’re now allowed to use, I’d point out — they’d know that the Battles of Lexington and Concord were fought precisely because the British were trying to confiscate weapons and a store of gunpowder.

      The left want censorship on Twitter and Facebook, but they are wanting censorship of conservatives, not really of themselves.

  5. L'Roy White says:

    The Republicun nominee for President supports the idea of a paramilitary organization answerable, unofficially, to the President.

    Who is this “nominee” since the primary has not yet been held? Wasn’t it the demonazi biden the corrupt who wanted a subversive police force just last year?

    We all know what Russia did.

    Yes, they helped the American commies (the democommies) overthrow our government with election fraud and manipulation. Glad you finally admit it.

    They are linked to neo-Nazis and far-right movements.

    neo Nazis are national socialists, socialists being leftist have absolutely nothing to do with far right movements. Putin is a nationalist but he is not a socialist he is a Russia 1st and Russian nationalist. If you recall Putin spent his entire life in the Communist Party just like you.

Pirate's Cove