Surprise: Case Of The White House Cocaine Might Never Be Solved

The hell you say!

Even with all the surveillance it might be unsolvable

The small amount of cocaine was found in a cubby area for storing electronics within the West Exec basement entryway into the West Wing, where many people have authorized access, including staff or visitors coming in for West Wing tours.

Asked what the chances were of finding the culprit, the official said that “it’s gonna be very difficult for us to do that because of where it was.”

“Even if there were surveillance cameras, unless you were waving it around, it may not have been caught” by the cameras, added the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity given that it’s an ongoing investigation. “It’s a bit of a thoroughfare. People walk by there all the time.”

That’s about the 4th or 5th different location that’s been mentioned. And they can’t, apparently, see how left it. Though they can arrest boatloads of people from tiny snippets of video from January 6th. Every single person coming should be on a visitors log. What they’re really saying is that they can see who it is and do not want to say. The House Republicans should subpoena the relevant video and go through it.

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11 Responses to “Surprise: Case Of The White House Cocaine Might Never Be Solved”

  1. MrLiberty says:

    Answers will NOT be found, because questions will NOT be asked.

  2. UnkleC says:

    Surprise, surprise, surprise.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The second White House cocaine post by Teach! He’s crowding the fag and tranny stories off the pages!!

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Funny, it is his blog.
      Rimjob now complaining there aren’t enoughfag and tranny stories.

      Bwaha! Lolgf

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        It seemed impossible but we have proof!! Fluffy is getting stupider!!

  4. Jl says:

    New White House janitor Günter Hiden arrives to clean up left-over cocaine…

  5. Mad Celt says:

    It’s the ghost of Millard Fillmore up to his old antics.

  6. Dana says:

    None of the immediate suspicion would have fallen on Hunter Biden if he was actually a decent person. But he’s a crack cocaine addict, so yeah, he’ll be suspected. Then there’s both his and his family’s rejection of his daughter: no matter how much the dummkopf from Delaware tries to protest that he’s a devout Catholic, the Biden family’s rejection of 4-year-old Navy Roberts is uncharitable, unChristian, and a real-life indicator of just what nasty people they are. Yeah, her mother was apparently a stripper at one point, but that makes he no worse than the younger Mr Biden, who was perpetually drunk and stoned and f(ornicated) that stripper.

    The child is, of course, innocent in all of this. The Biden family might not be particularly pleased with Lunden Roberts, but that doesn’t mean the 4-year-old did anything wrong.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Probably left-overs from Donald Trump Junior… or planted by a MAGAt…

      IF Hunter and President and Mrs Biden are rejecting this child than they are indeed being cruel and uncharitable. It seems there is no doubt that Hunter is the father. Don’t go spreading your semen around unless you are willing to take the responsibilities.

      BTW, strippers and hookers are just supplying market needs.

      The astute Mr Dana:

      The child is, of course, innocent in all of this. The Biden family might not be particularly pleased with Lunden Roberts, but that doesn’t mean the 4-year-old did anything wrong.

      Absolutely. To deny this little girl the love and support to which she’s entitled is unconscionable.

      We have a friend who has 3 children (17, 14, 3) by 3 different dads, one dad being a nephew of ours. He only found out he was a father when the middle young lady was 9 years old! That said, he stepped up bigly. His extended family, his brothers, sisters, mother, father, cousins also stepped up and treat all 3 children as part of this huge, loving family. That’s how you do it.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        You were doing just fine there, chubby. But then you had to get into telling us about your er, uh… “friend”.

        Bwaha! Lolgf

  7. It helps if you don’t look very hard.

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