Daily Archives: September 22, 2017

That New Study Saying Global Warming Is Occurring Much Slower Than Thought Doesn’t Say That Or Something

Two days ago we were offered up a glimpse of a new study that basically said that the previous models were utter trash, as Skeptics have been noting for years and years. And now the spin starts New Climate Study Doesn’t Contradict Global Warming, No Matter What Breitbart Says …. Things went totally off the […]

If All You See…

…is a world that has so much drought that the ground turns to rock, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Crawdad Hole, with a post wondering if it’s OK to punch a woman if she’s a Nazi.

Entitled Millionaire NFL Players Ask For SJW Month

And this is how you kill a sport by driving a large chunk of your fan base away Memo: NFL players ask Roger Goodell for support in racial equality campaign Current and former NFL players campaigning for racial equality and criminal justice reform wrote a lengthy memo to league commissioner Roger Goodell officially seeking overt league support […]

Climate Deniers Just Want To Protect The Status Quo That Gave Them Great Lives Or Something

Guardian writer John Gibbon is having a snit fit, as most Warmists do on their favorite subject, and he’s Very Upset that 1st Worlders do not want to give up their modern lifestyles Climate deniers want to protect the status quo that made them rich From my vantage point outside the glass doors, the sea […]

Surprise: Washington Post Blamestorms Trump Admin Over St. Louis Shooting Case

The Washington Post Editorial Board has decided to have a snit fit over the case of St Louis officer Jason Stockley shooting and killing Anthony Lamar Smith. The headline read St. Louis is what happens when the Justice Department won’t do its job. The editorial spends 3 paragraphs giving the briefest of overviews of the […]

Pirate's Cove