Monthly Archives: November 2015

We Need To Scare People About ‘Climate Change’ To Make Them Care

Here in the 1st World, most people really do not care about anthropogenic climate change. Heck, they barely care about climate change as a natural phenomenon. While many say the are Very Concerned, almost every single poll shows ‘climate change’ to be last or next to last on a list of concerns. Hence, Toronto Star […]

ACLU Sues Indiana Governor Mike Pence For Refusing Syrian Refugees

The ACLU is very upset over the civil rights violations of people who aren’t Americans and have no Constitutional Rights. But, we should wonder, is this really about civil rights? Or something else? (USA Today) Gov. Mike Pence is facing a federal lawsuit that challenges his power to block Syrian refugees from resettling in Indiana. […]

Guardian Continues Pimping 2015 As Hottest Year Ever

What they forgot to provide, the same way all Warmists forget, is to provide rock solid proof that it is mostly/solely caused by the actions of Mankind via greenhouse gases, particularly CO2 2015 shatters the temperature record as global warming speeds back up Thanks to human-caused global warming and an assist from El Niño, 2015 […]

If All You See…

…is an indigenous culture being wiped out by too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on liberals proclaiming Lady Liberty is a Muslim.

Prince Charles Bleats About ‘Climate Change” Being Root Of Syrian War

If mankind’s release of “carbon pollution” from all its activities, especially the use of fossil fuels, doesn’t that mean Prince Charles is at fault? Prince Charles: Climate Change Is a Root Cause of Syrian War Britain’s Prince Charles has pointed to the world’s failure to tackle climate change as a root cause of the civil […]

Hillary Tweets All Sexual Assault Accusers Should Be Believed, Hilarity Ensues

She should probably think ahead before tweeting (Daily Caller) On the night CNN aired a controversial and, as many legal critics call it, flawed documentary on sexual assault on college campuses, Democratic Party frontrunner Hillary Clinton tweeted solidarity with victims of sexual assault. The response could not have been what she was hoping for. The […]

Calling Radical Islam Radical Islam Is Super Mean Or Something

Have you noticed that Liberals seem to be more concerned with not offending hardcore Muslim practitioners and extremists than going after hardcore Islamists? Oh, and creating strawmen arguments. Over at CNN, John McWhorter writes a whopper of a tale Should we call it ‘radical Islam’? Republicans who despise Democrats such as Hillary Clinton for describing […]

If All You See…

…is a turkey that was probably transported too many miles increasing its carbon footprint, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on just letting dying Obamacare die.

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! A great day in America, just a few short days away from Thanksgiving, another holiday which affords Leftists a reason to complain (yet they will still accept their holiday pay rather than working). This pinup is by TJ Kuck, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The […]

Obama Says He’s Personally Going To Destroy ISIS

Because that’s the kind of guy he is, per reports from the AP and Reuters (note: I had to flip between multiple reports to dig into the whole story of his remarks) (Haaretz) U.S. President Barack Obama on Sunday said the United States and its allies would not relent in its fight to combat Islamic […]

Pirate's Cove