Actually, I’ll make the pronouncement now: climate change is already irreversible. Mankind cannot stop changes to the climate. Never could. All we can do is adapt. But, of course, that’s not what they mean. They’re saying that the hot cold wet dry snow no snow is caused by mankind
(Business Green) The world is likely to build so many new fossil-fuelled power stations, energy-guzzling factories and inefficient buildings in the next five years that it will become impossible to hold global warming to safe levels, and the last chance of combating dangerous climate change will be “lost for ever”, according to the most thorough analysis yet of world energy infrastructure.
Anything built from now on that produces carbon will continue to do so for decades to come, and this “lock-in” effect will be the single factor most likely to produce irreversible climate change, the world’s foremost authority on energy economics has found. If this infrastructure is not rapidly changed within the next five years, the results are likely to be disastrous.
How many times have we heard these 5 year (and ten year) prognostications? In 1990, Al Gore said the oceans only had 10 years left. Almost 22 years later, they seem to be fine. On January 27, 2006, he said we only had 10 years left to save the world from AGW. Funny, without trying, global temperatures have flatlined or are going down. October was the coldest one this millennium. These Warmist morons are trying to stop a rise of 2 degrees Celsius by putting the brakes on mankind, along with implementing huge “carbon” taxes. Perhaps they should look out the window.
Looks like the big link is over at Memeorandum from The Guardian, with various unhinged tools freaking out right before they take unnecessary fossil fueled flights to Durban for this years IPCC hypocrisyfest.
Hmm, looks like I never ended up posting this with my Droid.

Don’t forget the Late Great Planet Earth stuff from the 1970’s in which every single prediction they made was wrong.
It has become the “CHICKEN LITTLE” thing.
They have been crying wolf for so long that eventually no one listens anymore.
The problem is that they COULD be right……but no ones going to listen anymore because they appear to be so unhinged as to be no longer believable.
In the end the earths stewards….aka…mankind is responsible for taking care of the planet…..curbing smog, pollution and environmental no nos…..but CO2 rising from 386 to 425 ppm in the next 50 years is hardly going to affect anything.
Everyone with a brain knows BY NOW that the earth is warming and that co2 is rising. Man is contributing to this rise of co2…this cannot be disputed….the fact that man exhales CO2 contributes to the rise in co2 on the planet.
However as the earth warms, more frozen tundra is exposed allowing more trapped co2 to enter the atmosphere….
blah…blah…ad nauseum….we all know the facts…..
Republicans need to bait and switch the debate back to their side………
Co2 vs smog and pollution……
Republicans need to be seen as stewards of the environment while the fringe whacko AGW people are seen for what they are…..
Unhinged fanatics who simply want to use AGW as a means for world wide communism.
You know, kids say the darndest things.
Another five years, what the hell? You greenies have been saying that for the last ten years. No wonder the greens have no credibility anymore, no wonder anthropogenic climate change is dead.
How many years of no climate catastrophe must you experience before you admit that there is no climate catastrophe?
For the greenies, climate disaster is merely wishful thinking now. It’s just failed hopes and a dreams.
Oh BTW, Durban will be the biggest failure of all of the climate summits. This will be such a bomb I’ll bet Al Gore himself decides to not attend.
Can’t wait for Durban.
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
After it’s become irreversible and there is nothing to do but adapt will they stop talking about it?
Some institutionalization may be required.