As the Republican led House, and many Republicans, and some Democrats, in the Senate look to keep the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases, Mr. Obama has quietly implemented his own rules
On March 4th, in a move surely designed to side-step Congress, Obama’s Council on Environmental Quality issued instructions to all federal agencies on how to adapt to climate change. All agencies, from the Food and Drug Administration to the Department of Defense, will be required to analyze their vulnerabilities to the impacts from climate change and come up with a plan to adapt. Thousands of governmental employees will be trained on climate science, like it or not.
The changes aren’t limited to just federal agencies. Countless numbers of private businesses that sell, build, provide logistics or maintenance, or anything else to the government will be forced to comply with new Federal climate adaptation guidelines—all because of Presidential Executive Order 13514.
Got that? Any company that has dealings with the Federal government will have to implement all the requirements of EO 13514, which include things like
- Appoint a Climate Adaptation specialist
- Establish an Agency wide Climate Change Adaptation Policy and Mandate by June 2011
- Participate in Climate Adaptation workshops and then educate all employees throughout 2011
- Identify and analyze climate vulnerabilities that would interfere with accomplishing the Agency’s mission by March 2012
- Implement the adaptation plan by September 2012
No wonder Obama has avoided most talk about “climate change”: he’s stealthily implemented the Warmist idiocy.
Say, I wonder if this would apply to anyone paying taxes?
It also “requires Federal Agencies to set a 2020 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target within 90 days; increase energy efficiency; reduce fleet petroleum consumption; conserve water; reduce waste; support sustainable communities; and leverage Federal purchasing power to promote environmentally-responsible products and technologies.”
So, the power of the federal government will be used to push one product over another. So much for a fair and impartial government.
Crossed at Pirate’s Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach.

Simple. If you do not want to deal with the government……..DONT.
Stop taking their charity.
If you do…then jump thru their hoops. The best thing that could happen to our government is if all these Bastard businesses would stop taking handouts from the government.
Our Government is run a muck. It is the 666 of the world….it is the GREAT SATAN…and the Antichrist has stepped in and taken charge……..
And the atheist MSM and progressives cheered him on.
Its the end of the world as we know it….
And I feel fine?????
[…] William Teach writing for RWN: Obama’s Stealth Globull Warming Executive Order: As the Republican led House, and many Republicans, and some Democrats, in the Senate look to keep the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases, Mr. Obama has quietly implemented his own rules. On March 4th, in a move surely designed to side-step Congress, Obama’s Council on Environmental Quality issued instructions to all federal agencies on how to adapt to climate change. All agencies, from the Food and Drug Administration to the Department of Defense, will be required to analyze their vulnerabilities to the impacts from climate change and come up with a plan to adapt. Thousands of governmental employees will be trained on climate science, like it or not. […]
Wait, I thought Congress was tasked with making laws?
How and when did the President get the authority to make laws and regulations?
Isn’t this a sign of a thugocracy?
Ask the guy in Delaware about his stolen basketball goal-post about thugocracy….
The only problem doomed is that the government has become the only game in town. They have chased off all other business, so if you want to make a living you have to go with them. This stuff is shear stupidity and will only add to the increasing cost of living in the US.
I’ll bet I know what our Republican leadership do when they find out about this…
Exactly right BS(now with no BS). Have they done anything about the lightbulb ban? They’ve barely moved on EPA. Have they done anything against the attacks on internet? Have they STRONGLY defended their economic positions? Maybe locally, but not on national news. I am still hearing conflicting reports from them.
They keep wheeping that they don’t want a gov’t shutdown. STAND UP and say “HELL YEAH, let’s shut this puppy down!!! If we don’t, we are going to have to screw your grandchildren in to forced government slavery!! Both parties are at fault, but we now seem to be the only party willing to see the Repo-men coming for us.”
How is it that DC cuts off the balls of every man up there?!?!!?
[…] Obama’s Stealth Globull Warming Adaption Executive Order – Pirate’s Cove […]
Seriously, someone else said it earlier- let them shut down the government.
And if after a month, we’re doing fine, let’s just keep it closed!!!