One of the (many) problems with modern liberalism is that the head honchos, particularly the elected and want to be elected ones, usually do not like to tell the truth about what it is they are really trying to accomplish. Otherwise, people might run away like a cheetah on Speed. However, we can often rely on their unhinged and ultra-far left synchophants to tell us how it really is. Case in point:
President Obama, You’re Being Dishonest. by Muzikal203
Okay, the WH is trying to make it seem like a public option wasn’t a big part of their campaign, so I decided to check out the plan and see exactly what he promised through the WayBack machine. These are direct quotes from the website from Feb 2008:
Specifically, the Obama plan will: (1) establish a new public insurance program, available to Americans who neither qualify for Medicaid or SCHIP nor have access to insurance through their employers, as well as to small businesses that want to offer insurance to their employees; (2) create a National Health Insurance Exchange to help Americans and businesses that want to purchase private health insurance directly; (3) require all employers to contribute towards health coverage for their employees or towards the cost of the public plan ; (4) mandate all children have health care coverage; (5) expand eligibility for the Medicaid and SCHIP programs; and (6) allow flexibility for state health reform plans.
So, in other words, Obama has been lying. I wonder what else he has been lying about. Is this what was meant by hopenchange?

Government already pays 60% of the total healthcare bill I think it is a bit late to begin calling it socialism.