Daily Archives: May 23, 2009

Apparently, Some People Still Care About Obama’s Birth Certificate

I know some folks in the blogosphere, particularly some secret progressives (who are completely intolerant towards other opinions, and are getting very weird, paranoid, and fascist themselves, as highlighted by this comment caught by LGF2.0 ,) like to denigrate the birth certificate movement, and, I’ll be honest, it might be time to move on, but, […]

Are Carbon Permits The Next Tax Policy?

What exactly is tax policy? Well, it is not just a way to collect money to run government. It is a way of giving a kickback or punishment, or emplacing a control. The power of the purse. If something is unpopular (to an elected politician), let’s jack the taxes. If it is something they like, particularly […]

ACLU And NY Times Gentley Chide Obama For Detention Plans

Remember the time when the ACLUand NY Times would exoriate President Bush and all those around him for his detention of Islamic extremists policies? How times have changed NEW YORK– The following can be attributed to Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union, in response to President Obama’s national security speech […]

Pirate's Cove