No, I am not going to watch The One and his speech. For the most part, I have avoided watching most of the conventions, both GOP and Dem, since 1992. Too much spin, too much pageantry and hyperbole, not enought substance. The passion seems to get lost in the backdrops and choreography. They all look […]
Recent Comments
- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Rimjob’s party. “158 Left-wing members of Congress just voted against deporting rapists, pedophiles and murderers of women and kids.”” Sep 20, 13:55
- Elwood P. Dowd on “Scientific” American Endorses Kamala Over Climate Crisis (scam): “So, “Hot” Rod, Don’t be coy, dog. Does your daddy’s employer, Leith Honda of Raleigh NC, approve of Porter Good…” Sep 20, 13:43
- L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! on “Scientific” American Endorses Kamala Over Climate Crisis (scam): “It’s hardly surprising that nuConservatives oppose scientific endeavors. Science often confirms what conservatives dislike. You make two unsubstantiated statements like…” Sep 20, 13:38
- drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “But it didn’t work.” Sep 20, 13:36
- drowningpuppies on “Scientific” American Endorses Kamala Over Climate Crisis (scam): “So Rimjob you avoided answering the question. Have no idea about Leith Honda or where you got that from. So…” Sep 20, 13:23