My normal methods of ripping a video aren’t working with Vista, so click the picture for the video.
Makes it almost seem as if Iran was working hand in hand with the Democrat Party, eh?
More at Hot Air, where I got the photo. Why reinvent the wheel?

They’re real pretty soldier boys but we know they can’t fight, so can they die pretty? Looks like a totally pussified military to me. You know, hide behind a tree and set off a bomb and run like he**.
Where is a fuel-air warhead when you really need one?
Great site, first time we have seen ya. Glad your blog is up and running. Will post a link to your site. Please forward a link you would like to use, 200 x 300 or?
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Iran Graphically Illustrates Their Threats Against America and Israel…
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has never minced words or been unclear about his intentions to destroy the United States and Israel. From time to time I’ve wondered if its frustrating to him and others that we just don’t seem to hear…