Perhaps I should wait till Friday, let the Surrender Monkey handle this post, but it is too good, and funny!, to wait
House Democrats on Wednesday abruptly pulled a bill intended to curb the administration’s terrorist surveillance program after Republicans tried to correct a flaw in the bill — and it looked like rank-and-file Democrats would go along with the Republican motion.
Republicans complained that the Democrats’ FISA “reform” bill (called the RESTORE Act of 2007) would prohibit timely surveillance of terror groups by requiring the intelligence community to obtain a FISA court order to listen to terrorist communications.
House Republicans offered a motion to fix the bill. They wanted to make it clear that the intelligence community could conduct immediate surveillance on Osama Bin Laden, al Qaeda, or any other foreign terrorist organization without waiting for a FISA court to issue a warrant.
The Democrats’ bill said intelligence officials would have to obtain a FISA court order to listen to foreign terror suspects, including Osama bin Laden, who operate overseas but who may have had contact with people in the U.S. or who may have called a U.S. number.
When it looked like Democrats would go along with the Republicans’ motion to amend the bill, Democratic leaders pulled it off the House schedule.
“The Democrats’ full-scale retreat on FISA this evening was spurred by a single amendment — a provision that would’ve made clear that nothing in their bill could be used to prevent U.S. agents from tracking al Qaeda and other foreign terrorists abroad,” said House Republican Whip Roy Blunt of Missouri on Wednesday.
The true meaning of “San Francisco liberal” is in evidence. Hissy fits so major over the amendment to allow unfettered access to electronic surveillence of al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden without waiting for a FISA warrant that they pulled the entire Bill. How wrong are we on the Right when we say that the Democrats are actively helping Islamic terrorists. What else could it be when they want to require a prior warrant to listen to the phone calls of known terrorists abroad? People who are not U.S. citizens?
Unfortunately, this is another issue that the national GOP will fail to capitalize on. Maybe they are waiting till next year, when it gets close to election time, but, I doubt it. The GOP should be putting together commercials highlighting the comings and goings of the Democrats in Congress. If they did, I bet the donations to the RNC would go back up.
Do you have an interesting post? Well, go ahead and leave a trackback, with a reciprical link back to me. Otherwise, the Democrats might surrender you!
PS: Akismet is being super tight azzed with WP 2.3. I will rescue TB’s.

Smells Like Teen Spirit…
About This Video: Democratic Leaders Bill and Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi state their case, in their own words….
New cervical cancer test…
It has a 95% success rate….
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The city has ordered the organization to pay a fair-market rent of $200,000 — $199,999…
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Don’t like the candidates for prez? Listen in at 9pm est…
I did not write this, but I am supporting Duncan Hunter. Please give him a chance and listen to the grassroots who are supporting him. Thank you….
[…] to Perri Nelson’s Website, , third world county, A Blog For All, , Pirate’s Cove, Right Voices, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven […]
[…] Straight Up, Conservative Cat, , third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Republican National Convention Blog, High Desert Wanderer, and Right Voices, […]
Rush speaks about the Harry Reid letter, S-CHIP and more…
I found this to be interesting. Rush raises some very good points.
Meanwhile the infamous letter is up for auction on Ebay, bids up over 2 Million.
Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic…
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Via Sister Toldjah:
The “pr…
My my you’ve added a few wrinkles to your face over the past 11 months, eh Nutsy Pelosi & Meatballs? Must be your 11% rating? Can’t be too favorable to your Roman Catholic base of Code Pinkos and kooks, pro-abortionists times 48 million,
feminazis ‘r us, dudley do lefts, phony soldiers, San Fran Sickos, Hollyweirdos, Islamofascists, Communists, Chicoms, and CNN executives!……. 11 freaking percent? Are you kidding me?
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A lesser man, a lesser candidate would have been finished after the July “implosion” of his campaign….
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