It is amazing to think that in this context, Pelosi is actually moderate!
A few dozen peace activists marched across the Golden Gate Bridge and gathered outside the San Francisco home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday, demanding that Congress stop funding the war in Iraq.
"San Francisco has been against this war from the very beginning," said Toby Blome, a physical therapist who organized the event. "This is our fifth year of the war, and Nancy needs to wake up and represent San Franciscans."
Blome, holding a plate of cheese and bread and a glass of wine, was stopped on her way to Pelosi's front door and told the Speaker would not see them. Blom and about ten other activists said they plan to camp outside the residence overnight.
No mention of hippy smell, hacky sacks, and love beads, but, I wouldn't be surprised.
The story continues with some patronising double speak from Pelosi hacks, until
The rally is the most recent "occupation" activists have staged in lawmakers' offices on Capitol Hill and in their home communities. U.S. Rep. Rahm Emanuel's office in Chicago was targeted on Thursday, and peace activists dressed in pink showed up recently at the Senate offices of presidential hopefuls John McCain and Hillary Rodham Clinton.
On Wednesday, about 20 demonstrators gathered outside Pelosi's San Francisco office — but before they could enter, a staff member ushered the group down to a conference room seven floors below, where many voiced frustration that Pelosi was not being aggressive enough in seeking an end to the war.
"They're continuing to fund the war, and it's ridiculous if you say you're against the war to keep funding it," Blome, a 51-year-old El Cerrito resident, said of Congressional Democrats. "It's shocking how little the Democrats are doing to stop this war."
After crossing San Francisco's scenic span, protesters arrived at Pelosi's Pacific Heights home around 4 p.m. They say they will sit, stand, sing, chant, pray, ring bells, and read letters from American troops sent home to their families — tactics used in similar events with other politicians.
Um, OK. Hippy smell, kinda like old bong water. Make sure you are investing in tin foil.
This just shows that the hard left is serious, and expect the Democrats to immediately cut of funding, and surrender. It isn't for show. They may be humorous at times, but they are deadly ernest in wanting to cut and run now, and expect the Democrats to do just that. And this conduct will continue to escalate, with top Dems under the pink guns. They are perfectly entitled to do this, under the First Amendment, but, they need to be aware of the fact that their actions speak to the enemies of America. Do they even care?
Looking around, Michelle Malkin discusses the "idiot liberals."
Don Surber says "Lefties eat their own."
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Hell Yeah!
Stik would vote for this gent.
“Probably no more than at your typical dinner party. But …
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Will you stop trying to scare the children? Pelosi “moderate?” I’m pretty sure that one of the 7 signs of the apocalypse.
Tuesday Open Thread Open Trackbacks…
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Poor Skreecher of the House – Madame
Pelosi & Meatballs!
So Murthas Marxist Monkees can’t put the following words into their liberal diatrob:
surrender, losing, retreat, redeploy, quitter, give up, yield, hand over, & exit stage left!
“We’re for the troops but not the war”
oxymorononic statements are getting old
Nancy! And the 31 Red States of America realize this!!
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[…] Wake Up America, stikNstein… has no mercy, The World According to Carl, Walls of the City, Pirate’s Cove, Overtaken by Events, The Pink Flamingo, High Desert Wanderer, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest […]
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Pelosi isn’t a moderate? ;)
this is scary stuff. Pelosi a moderate. I might have a heart attack!!
I suddenly have the urge to sing kumbaya.
Little crazy, isn’t it? :)
yes – it’s more than a little crazy! lol
Sorry about the two comments. I was on my Treo and thought the first one didn’t go through. I’m just learning how to do more with the dang thang.