Professor Shackleford has a post up about the Daily Kos, and my "raving moonbats" category doesn’t even begin to cover what Markos Zunigas has stated this time:
Of course, none of that has happened. The torture that was so bad under Saddam, is equally bad under U.S. command. And Dick Durbin had the balls to say it so on the Senate floor.
And these cowards — these people who will neither serve the cause they claim is so vital, nor urge others to serve it — now rush to defend behavior that is indefensible?
This is beyond moonbat. This is from one of the blogosphere leaders of the "blame America First and always" crowd on particularly bad peyote. This is a person living in fucking loony land. And Dr. S can prove it. (warning: graphic images, but, if you want to know the truth….)

Durbin Responds
Illinois Republican Party Chairman Andy McKenna asked Senator Dick Durbin to apologize for his remarks comparing American interrogators at Guantanamo Bay to Nazis and Soviet gulags and the Pol Pot regime made on the Senate floor. His response was to …
White House: “Durbin’s Remarks Reprehensible”
The White House is unhappy with Dick Durbin’s comments:
The White House said today that Illinois Senator Dick Durbin’s comparison of American interrogators at Guantanamo Bay to Nazis, Soviet gulags and Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot was reprehensible and a
You are one daring person reading his spew.
He induces suicide or is it lobotomies on people that go there.
Gotta keep up with what the moonbats are saying, but, sometimes they go from amusing in their lunacy to infuriating.
Kos’ remarks are best taken in light of the fact that he was in the Army before Desert Storm, and found himself to be a pacifist upon learning that he might be deployed. It is the nature of cowards to hate their betters.