On Fox News this AM, Ellen Ratner said, in reference to Howard Dean’s nutty anti GOP comments, in particular, the one about Republicans being Evil, that he was, and is, just playing to the Democrativ base. Interesting. So what she is telling us is that the Democratic base is a bunch of hate filled loons who can only deal with the negative. Must make the regular Democrats feel great.
I don’t ever remember Ken Mehlman saying stuff like that. Oh, yea, that’s right, Ken goes out and raises money, like the Party Chairman is supposed to.

No, it doesn’t but then I think I’ve turned in my membership. I keep hoping the guys with the animal blow darts, that capture the mad lion on a rampage, will show up, dart Dean, and haul him off to someplace safer – safer for him and us.
I’ve seen a couple John Edwards quotes lately (can’t find one at the moment) but I keep hoping that he will get a place in the sun. He at least makes sense.
P.S. so you changed your banner while i was on vacation – sneaky devil! Can’t decide if I like it yet… has a bit of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” to it. Which is … OK.
This stood out to me: Democratic base is a bunch of hate filled loons….cause I agree. The truth hurts sometimes. This isn’t what was said, but it really needs to be driven home to them. They don’t realize how most Americans really do see them as crazed lunatics.
Julie: what I see people like Dean doing is causing issues with regular Dems, such as yourself, who believe in the old ideals of the Democratic Party.
And, yup, that graphic came directly from one of the obsure POTC posters, took days to find it in a size that I could use. My old one came pretty much from a different POTC poster, just kinda got tired of it. Gonna redo a bit so that it looks like it is foreground instead of background.
Jay: it is unfortunate that the vast vocal majority are like that, while the good ones, such as Julie, aren’t really heard from. But their whole platform is based on “I hate…” whether it be Bush, Cheney, Republicans, Rush. There is nothing positive in that message. I sure do not hear stuff like that from the GOP.
GMail is down but I just wanted to say I love the new banner! It looks really great, good job!
See there’s the trick – is to get people to say what they are *for*. I am *for* a living wage, strong education, environment first (laugh if you like, but the rain forest is the lungs of the earth), basic health care available to everyone (yes, if you’re 90 and want an expensive heart transplant it should be on your dime, but every child should have immunizations), and support for the weakest, least abled members of society – the disabled, orphans, and elderly.
You can take exceptions to what I want, but you may not hate me for it. Neither do I hate anyone who wants something different.
Update on Howard…
According to William Teach over at Pirate’s Cove, Ellen Ratner says that Howard Dean is just “playing to the democratic base” when he says that Republicans are crooks and dishonest bums (see below for his exact quote).
That is why I respect you, Julie, as well as anyone else from any party who expresses what they are for. I may not agree with everything (though you and I are close on the environment. PW and I actually agree mostly, as well), but I would fight for your Right to believe that what you believe in, because it is positive.
I’ve got news at my site you should see.