Ya think?
Mayorkas says some migrants “try to game” the U.S. asylum system
In an interview with CBS News, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said some migrants coming to the U.S.-Mexico border are trying to “game” the U.S. asylum system, echoing a statement often made by Republicans but rarely expressed by Biden administration officials.
“The reality is that some people do indeed try to game the system,” Mayorkas told CBS News in El Paso last Thursday. “That does not speak to everyone whom we encounter, but there is an element of it, and we deal with it accordingly.”
Mayorkas made the comment in response to a question about concerns some Americans have expressed about the situation at the southern border, where U.S. officials have reported record levels of migrant apprehensions over the past three years. Immigration has become one of President Biden’s worst-polling issues, as well as a top concern for voters heading into November’s presidential election.
For years, Republicans, including former President Donald Trump, have accused migrants of cheating or abusing the U.S. asylum process to stay in the country indefinitely, arguing that restrictions or bans on asylum need to be enacted to deter those who don’t qualify from filing weak or non-existent cases.
When speaking of reforming the U.S. asylum system, however, Democrats and Biden administration officials like Mayorkas have mainly talked about the need to speed up the processing of claims, to quickly grant asylum to those who qualify for protection and deport those who don’t.
In fact, around 90% game the system, as only around 10% are granted asylum. People from all over the world show up at the Southern border and demand asylum, having been told this will get them into the U.S. At that point, most won’t have hearings for years, as long as 8-10 years, and, at that point, if they’re told they do not qualify, most won’t leave. And they’ll say “hey, we’ve been here contributing, you should give us amnesty.” Many will cross the border illegally, and, when caught, will claim asylum. It’s all a big game, and the pro-illegal crowd makes damned sure they know how to do it.
Really, the whole asylum system should be scrapped. No more. We have too many, and so few seem to assimilate anymore. Barring that, Congress should pass a law requiring people to apply for asylum outside the U.S., and, if they are caught trying to enter the U.S. or have entered they will be immediately put right back over the border. No waiting years. Just gone.
NYC set to launch new migrant program … in Buffalo. Will more follow?
New York City officials are planning to launch a novel resettlement program to help migrants leave city-funded hotel shelters in Buffalo, which some proponents hope will serve as a blueprint for how the city manages the migrant influx moving forward.
The $22 million program would enlist a local nonprofit to relocate up to 539 migrants currently living in Buffalo hotels and help them find apartments, jobs and apply for asylum, according to City Hall spokesperson William Fowler. It’s akin to the decades-old national resettlement system for refugees that advocates have asked the federal government to create for new migrants, who are mostly asylum-seekers.
It’s almost like the declared sanctuary city of New York doesn’t want illegals. Even though Buffalo is pretty liberal, neither it nor Erie County are declared illegal alien sanctuaries.

Mr Teach typed: Congress should pass a law requiring people to apply for asylum outside the U.S., and, if they are caught trying to enter the U.S. or have entered they will be immediately put right back over the border.
It’s harder to find an more flagrant example of treachery and dereliction of duty than Mayorkas.