Oops: EVs Hitting Pedestrians At Twice The Normal Rate Of Other Vehicles

But, hey, we’re saving the planet, right?

Silent but Deadly: Study Shows EVs ‘Hit Pedestrians at Twice the Rate of Petrol or Diesel Vehicles’

Electric vehicles collide with pedestrians at twice the rate of their petrol or diesel counterparts, particularly in crowded towns and cities, a British Medical Journal (BMJ) survey released Wednesday shows.

The report details how electric vehicles (EVs) are statistically much more dangerous than vehicles with an internal combustion engine on urban roads due to being quieter.

Data from 32bn miles of battery-powered car travel and 3tn miles of petrol and diesel car trips showed that mile-for-mile electric and hybrid cars were twice as likely to hit pedestrians than fossil fuel-powered cars, and three times more likely to do so in urban areas.

Researchers suspect a number of factors are to blame as electric vehicles continue to confront acceptance problems in the market place:

Some of those reasons are having younger, less experienced drivers and the vehicles being quieter (however, In the EU and the US, they make artificial noise at low speed in forward and reverse). There’s no mention of a lot of EV drivers just being obnoxious jerks. The vehicles are much heavier, and inattention could cause braking issues. You’re going to tend to have a lot more in urban and near urban areas with lots more pedestrians.

Now, this is statistical, and does include hybrids. There are certainly more petrol vehicles on the road in the UK, so, what they are saying is that EVs and hybrids are hitting pedestrians at a higher per capita rate. It’s always something.

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6 Responses to “Oops: EVs Hitting Pedestrians At Twice The Normal Rate Of Other Vehicles”

  1. Dana says:

    Not to worry, because in our noble attempts to save Mother Gaia, there will be some incidental casualties along the way.

  2. alanstorm says:

    You would have to have a heart of stone to not laugh at this.

  3. unklc says:

    Maybe there is some substance to the ‘Loud pipes save lives’ statement used by my biker friends.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), when an accident occurs, a motorcycle rider is 28 times more likely to suffer a fatality than someone traveling inside a motor vehicle.

      A good friend of mine is recovering from his bike crash, and is alive because he was wearing a helmet (eschewed in MO by most bikers – FREEDOM!!…to die).

  4. H says:

    Still waiting for Mr Teach to give us his personal opinion after test driving that new 53k Honda Prologue
    296 mile range
    0 to 60 in 4 seconds.
    99mpg EPA rated

    Mr Teach have you ever personally driven a car as fast as that?

  5. H says:

    Look both ways when you cross the street
    Some people just can’t walk safely while looking at their phones

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