Sanctuary City Denver Launches Ambitious Plan For Illegal Aliens

Goodness, what could possibly go wrong with this?

Denver launches ambitious migrant program, breaking from the short-term shelter approach

illegal alien Democrat In a hotel conference room in Denver, Dallenis Martinez attended orientation with hundreds of other migrants Monday for the city’s new, ambitious migrant support program, which includes six-month apartment stays and intensive job preparation for those who can’t yet legally work.

It’s an about-face from strategies Denver, New York City and Chicago have used as the cities scrambled to support thousands of migrants and slashed budgets. The largely improvised support strategies have included days- to weeks-long shelter stays or bus tickets to send migrants elsewhere.

Now, Martinez, 28, and her two young kids, along with some 650 others in Denver, are being set up with an apartment with six months of rental, food and utility assistance, a free computer, a prepaid cell phone and metro bus passes.

Then, the city working in coordination with several nonprofits plan to provide courses on English language, computers, financial literacy, and workers rights, while also assisting migrants in getting credentialed in specific industries, like construction, retail, hospitality, healthcare and early childhood education. Martinez said she will take any job to support her kids.

I’m sure the homeless Americans in Denver are thrilled that illegal aliens are being given all this support. I’m sure illegals already in the U.S. and heading towards the U.S. are seeing this and saying “let’s go to Denver, they’ll pay for everything.” Is the government giving you all that assistance? It seems like government is doing all they can to raise your costs.

You also have to wonder what happens at 6 months: will the illegals leave the apartments, or just say “nah, we’re established.” And what of their neighbors? Will they enjoy having all the illegals in their neighborhoods with all the crime and life disruption they’ve brought with them?

(CBS NY) The tents have got to go. That’s the message from a community group pushing to get a migrant shelter off of Randall’s Island.

That group is threatening legal action, but city officials said Tuesday they have no alternatives.

From the outset, community groups did not like the idea of usurping eight acres of ball fields and parkland on Randall’s Island for a 3,000-bed migrant shelter. Now, after months of what one group calls violence, fights and reports of illegal activity, the Randall’s Island Park Alliance says it’s time for the city to fold its tents, remove the cots and hit the road.

“It is to the detriment of all — those temporarily housed in the park, along with the thousands of New Yorkers being denied access to parkland,” the group said in a letter to Mayor Eric Adams. “Moreover, it is illegal, and it is time for it to end.”

Well, that’s weird. One would think the Democrat voters in Sanctuary City New York would be happy to have illegal aliens in their neighborhoods, considering they support unfettered illegal immigration. They don’t enjoy the violence, fights, illegal activity?

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4 Responses to “Sanctuary City Denver Launches Ambitious Plan For Illegal Aliens”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    President Trump will immediately start deportation of some 15 million illegals. This will be followed by a thorough review of who is and is an illegal. He will also argue that states have the right to deport illegals. Iowa can deport their illegal to Illinois, Texas can deport theirs to Arizona etc.

    • James Lewis says:

      Kitchen Little Karen Man

      President Trump will immediately start deportation of some 15 million illegals.

      If only that happens…

  2. H says:

    Still believes that Mexico will pay for the Wall

    Randall’s Island(along with connected Wards island) is over 400 acres.

    The migrants shelter has taken 8 acres.
    Cry me a fuckin river

  3. H says:

    180000 migrants have passed into the NYC shelter system since 3022
    However they are currently as of March only about 65000. Most move out staying with friends or families. Most of those “military aged” find work quickly, even before getting their right to work papers
    There are 12 million people living in NYC not all have the same political views. Apparently Teach is unaware of that
    There are zero private residence on Randall’s Island

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