Daily Archives: May 2, 2023

Biden’s Latest Idea Is A Climate (scam) Tax On Cryptocurrency

Well, surely not his idea, but, the people who tell him everything Biden proposes 30% climate change tax on cryptocurrency mining The White House is trying to persuade Congress to pass a 30% tax on the electricity used in cryptocurrency mining in the next federal budget in order to minimize the nascent industry’s impact on […]

If All You See…

…is the logo of a team that requires lots of fossil fuels for people to attend games, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on golf being a contact sport in Florida.

Oklahoma Makes Gender Transition Surgeries And Drugs For Children A Felony

Obviously, this has made the moonbats unhinged Oklahoma governor makes performing ‘irreversible gender transition surgeries’ on children a felony Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt has banned all sex reassignment procedures for minors in the state, including irreversible gender transition surgeries and hormone therapies, joining at least 15 other states with similar laws. The Republican governor signed […]

Excitable Joe Manchin Seems Pretty Upset Over Climate Law, IE, The IRA

Perhaps Joe should have thought about voting for the abomination known as the Inflation Reduction Act after being promised something that has never materialized. He got rolled, at the expense of the American citizens Manchin’s ‘playing with fire’ — and some Democrats are tired of the drama Sen. Joe Manchin is losing patience with his […]

Brandon Regime To Finally Lift Most Vaccine Mandates Next Week

Are people still getting the Wuhan Flu vaccines? My last one was September of 2021, and I have no intention of taking another. I probably have a photo of it, otherwise, have no clue where the card is. They really do very little US to lift most federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates next week The Biden […]

Pirate's Cove