Daily Archives: January 4, 2023

NY Times Pimps Mating With Short People To Stop Climate Doom

It’s always something with these cultists Mating with ‘shorter people’ is a ‘step toward a greener planet’ since smaller individuals are ‘inherent conservationists,’ New York Times op-ed claims A New York Times guest opinion column published on Sunday claimed that mating with “shorter people” is a “step toward a greener planet” since smaller individuals are “inherent conservationists.” […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon mode of transportation, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on the Times’s Square jihadi screaming Allahu Akbar. But, you know, it’s totally not part of the religion of peace.

Farmers Are Not Happy With Biden’s Waters Of USA Overreach

Here’s the extreme environuts in the Biden admin continuing the work of the extreme environuts of the Obama admin, not caring how much this will cause problems for regular Americans Farmers slam Biden over latest eco regulation targeting businesses: ‘Federal overreach’ Organizations representing American farmers slammed a recent Biden administration regulation repeals a Trump-era action regarding how […]

Other Climate Nutter Groups Plan To Continue Being Disruptive

How to win friends and influence people by being a-holes Climate change group disavows disruptive protests, but other activists vow to soldier on Extinction Rebellion, the U.K.-based organization that pioneered disruptive climate change protests such as sit-ins at major London traffic circles, has made a New Year’s resolution to give up such tactics and focus instead […]

Sanctuary State Of Colorado Plans To Send Illegal Aliens To NYC

And Eric Adams, mayor of the sanctuary city of New York, doesn’t like it one bit. Colorado plans to send more migrants to New York Colorado Gov. Jared Polis plans to send migrants to major cities including New York, Mayor Eric Adams said Tuesday, warning that the nation’s largest city is already struggling to deal […]

Pirate's Cove