Daily Archives: December 6, 2019

Bummer: Trump Is Trying To Make It Took Expensive For Illegals And Moochers To Stay In U.S.

Obviously, bleeding heart (but not wallet) Democrats will be very upset about this. Of course, they never seem to pony up the money themselves Trump is trying to make it too expensive for poor American immigrants to stay Many of the immigration policies enacted by the administration of US president Donald Trump in the last […]

If All You See…

…are glaciers that only melt because Other People drove fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on the Four Professors Of The Impeachment Apocalypse.

Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Could Reverse Progress On Gender Equality Or Something

You’re to blame, because you drove a fossil fueled vehicle, use lots of energy, and refuse to go vegetarian Climate crisis could reverse progress in achieving gender equality …. Researchers are in a race against time to predict how climate change will affect these communities and help them adapt, with drought and flood resistant crops […]

Climate Cult Pope Calls The Crisis (scam) The “Challenge Of Civilization”

Pope Francis seems to spend more time on social justice warrior stuff like ‘climate change’ than Catholic doctrine. Since he is a climate cultist does he now think that abortion on demand and population control are great? Climate crisis is ‘challenge of civilisation’, says pope The climate emergency is a “challenge of civilisation” requiring sweeping […]

Joe Biden Blows Gasket At Iowa Event, Calls Voter Fat

Joe Biden’s press office and the Dem supporting media have their job cut out in spinning this. Of course, they can all just not carry the story, but, too many can see it on social media Biden Calls Voter ‘a Damn Liar,’ ‘Fat’ After a Question About Hunter Biden On Thursday, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports […]

Pirate's Cove